Search For A Star The 2nd
Semi Final.

SADLY four contestants
could not make it to the night, but the others made up for that with
stunning performances. Even the dresses were amazing, all the constants
taking time and effort to look stunning. One contestant got
her Mum to create a unusual dress that looked as dazzling as the
girls performance. Not to be out done the lads also put on the
best suits. Well done to you all, even if you did not get
through, you still produced a fantastic how of talent that would put
most competition to shame.
This week on stage
were:- Kirk Jameson fro Southport, Jesica Price from southport,
Jodie Barchha from the Wirral, Jennifer Atherton from Bootle, Paula
Dickinson from southport, Jodie Lamb from Liverpool, adam heyes from
skelmersdale, Jenny Doolan from Litherland, sharon Radcliffe from
southport, Elizabeth Guilfoy from Heywood, James Lacey from
Liverpool and Sara Pristner all the way from Mancheter.

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