New Mums To Get Car Seat Advice
EXPECTANT mothers in Liverpool are to be given a CD to help them choose the right car child seat. In a novel approach to road safety, the City Council is joining with the Women's Hospital to hand out an estimated 12,000 CD ROMs over the next 18 months containing advice about buying and fitting child car seats. The move is part of the LIVEerpool IN CAR safety campaign and has received funding through a £65,000 Neighbourhood Road Safety Initiative (NSRI) grant. The expectant mums will be given the CD Rom at their 28 week assessment. By targeting this group it is hoped to encourage a culture of car seat use and seat belt wearing.
"Research shows that up to 80% of child car seats are wrongly fitted.
LIVEerpool IN CAR is tackling this problem in a practical way and this CD Rom will give new mothers the advice they need in choosing the right car seat for their babies and getting the seats fitted correctly. Some people say they do not use child car seats because they do not know how to fit them or whether they are correctly fitted or not but they will no longer be able to use that excuse. We are very pleased that the NRSI grant has enabled us to do this work which will protect babies and children's' lives."
said Cllr Peter Millea, Executive Member for Regeneration,
Gordon Edwards from Liverpool Road Safety Unit, said:- "We are giving out the CD ROMs at the 28 week assessment because it is around about that time that expectant parents tend to be thinking about what sort of pram and other equipment they need. So we want to make sure they are also thinking about fitting the right child care seat."
The CD Rom cover also contains a list of car dealers where child car seats can be checked free of charge.
The funding from NRSI also allows the whole scheme to be evaluated by John Moores University.
Temporary closure of Wilderspool Causeway (southbound)

THERE will be a closure of the A49 Wilderspool Causeway (southbound) this coming weekend.
The closure will be in force:-
From:- Saturday 12 March 2005 20:-00hrs
To:- Monday 14 March 2005 06:-00hrs
Although the closure covers the full weekend, it is anticipated that the works will be completed by 19:-00hrs on Sunday 13 March 2005
Southport family wins the Veno's Family in a Million Northern title

SOUTHPORT'S Joanne Adkins and her family have won the Northern regional title in the Veno's* Family in a Million Awards, and now have the chance to win the grand final and be named the Veno's Family in a Million 2005.
The makers of Veno's, a range of soothing cough care remedies, launched a nation-wide hunt to find the Veno's Family in a Million, inviting families to write in and explain what makes their family super-special. Joanne Adkins nominated her family:-
"My sister Emma passed away on the 1 January last year aged 27, leaving her son Daniel, 7 years, and Katy, 2 years. I am now their legal guardian, but Grandma, Grandad and auntie Gay all help to look after them. They live with their Grandparents and me. They do not have a Daddy so we give them as much love and attention as humanly possible. I have taken them on holiday, trips and to parties for birthdays and give them lots of reassurance, as this has been a very traumatic year for both of them."
Lawrence Godfrey, Senior Brand Manager for Veno's comments:- "Congratulations to the Joanne Adkins and her family. They are an excellent example of a family where everyone cares for and supports each other, sticking together through the good times and the bad, no matter what life throws at them. Well done for winning the Northern regional title and good luck for the grand final."
This family has not only won a fabulous Tussaud's Group Season ticket to some of the best attractions in the UK and Europe, but also has their name put forward for the grand final, with a chance to scoop the National Winner's Award.
The family who win the National Winner's Award to become the Veno's Family in a Million 2005, will be whisked away to Billund, for a mini-break at Legoland Denmark.
The Veno's Family in a Million 2005 will be announced in 2 weeks' time.
New 'Playzone project' to get underway
A NEW children's 'Playzone project' is to be created to further improve the range of play facilities and attractions at Victoria Park for young people. This scheme is part of the 'Communities Vision project' for the redevelopment of the park, which is seeking to provide further improvements and continued developments throughout the park. The Playzone project is an £108,800 scheme that will provide a wide range of safe, enjoyable and challenging facilities and opportunities for children's play. These will be situated within a designated fenced area with landscaping, lighting, seating, play equipment and safety surfacing. The Playzone will also be accessible for people with disabilities and wheelchair users. The Playzone will be located near to the Viki Skatepark and, together, they will provide facilities and opportunities for children of all ages and abilities.
The major community park project has been supported with an £85,000 Landfill Tax grant award from Waste Recycling Group, administered by Wren.
Following tendering of the scheme, works will start on site in June and the aim is to have the project completed and opened in late July 2005.