Easter Services

Good Friday......
Walk of Witness, assemble at Formby Library at 11:00am, then walk to Village Centre.
Walk of Witness, assemble also at the Grapes Hotel at 11:00am then walk to Village Centre.
United Open Air Service to be held from 11:30am to approximately 12:30.
Anglican Churches in Formby
Holy Trinity, Rosemary Land Formby.
10:30am Holy Communion
Maundy Thursday
8:00pm Holy Communion
Good Friday
10:00am Service For All The Family
2:00pm An Hour at the Cross
Easter Day
8:45am Holy Communion
10:30am Family Communion.
6:30pm Farwell Service for the Colliers
Holy Trinity Church, Redgate School, Formby
Good Friday
10:30am Service at Redgate School
St Luke's Church, St Luke's Church Rd. Formby.
Maundy Thursday
9:45pm Holy Communion
Good Friday
9:30am Morning Service
Easter Sunday
8:30am Holy Communion
10:30am Family Communion
St Peter's Church, Green Lane, Formby.
Maundy Thursday
8:00pm Liturgy Of The Last Supper
Good Friday
Good Friday
2:00pm the Liturgy of The Lord's Passion
Easter Eve.
11:00pm Easter Vigil
Easter day
8:00am Eucharist
10:00am Choral Eucharist
6:30pm Festal Evensong
Free Churches
United Reform Church, Church Rd. Formby
Maundy Thursday
2:30pm Women's Guild - Lord Supper
8:00pm Services at Lord Supper
Good Friday
10:00am Service
Easter Day
11:00am Morning Service
6:30pm Evening Service
Formby Methodist Church, Elbow Lane Formby
Maundy Thursday
2:30pm ladies Fellowship - Communion Service
7:00pm Joint Communion Service
Good Friday
9:30am Service of Meditation
Easter Sunday
8:30am communion Service
10:30am Easter Morning Service & Holy Communion
Roman Catholic Churches in Formby
Church of Our Lady of Compassion, School lane, Formby
12:00 Noon Mass
12:00 Noon Mass
12:00 Noon Mass
Maundy Thursday
7:30pm Mass of the Lord's Supper
10:00pm Night Prayer
Good Friday
3:00pm Liturgy of Lord's Passion
9:00pm Night Prayer
Holy Saturday
8:30pm Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday
9:00am Mass
11:00am Children's Mass
St Anne's Church, Timms Lane, Freshfield.
Maundy Thursday
7:00pm Mass of the Lord's Supper
Good Friday
10:15am Stations of the Cross
3:00pm Solemn Liturgy of the Lord's Passion
Easter Saturday
5:30pm Vigil Ceremonies and First Mass of Resurrection
Easter Day
10:00 Mass
St Jerome's Church, Greenloons Drive, Formby
Maunday Thursday
7:30pm Mass of the Lord's Supper
good Friday
3:00pm Celebration of the Lord's Passion
Holy Saturday
9:00pm Vigil Ceremonies followed by candle light service
Easter Sunday
10am Family Mass
Anglican Churches in Altcar
St Michael and All Angels Church, Altcar
10:00am Morning Prayer
8:00pm Music for Holy Week
Holy Communion
Maundy Thursday
8:00pm Parish Communion
Good Friday
10:30 Prayer Breakfast - 20 Liverpool Rd.
Easter Eve
8:00pm Vigil Service
Easter Day
9:30am Parish Communion
Anglican Churches in Hightown
St Stephen's Church, St Stephen's Ave. Hightown
Palm Sunday
8:30am Holy Communion
11:00am Family Eucharist
6:00pm Evensong
Maundy Thursday
8:00pm Agape in Church Hall followed by Service in Church
Good Friday
10:30am Meet at 20 Liverpool Rd. Formby
2:00pm An Hour at the Cross
Easter Day
8:30am Holy Communion
11:00am Family Eucharist
6:00pm Evensong
Lukewarm response to Budget of promises
A leading business pressure group has recorded a ‘lukewarm’ response to yesterday’s Budget, despite promises to cut red
tape, increase investment in vocational training and some simplification of the tax regime. A small majority of Forum of Private Business (FPB) members, 54.2% described the Budget as ‘Ok,’ whilst 33.9% said it would be ‘bad’ for business.
Nick Goulding, FPB Chief Executive, said:- “Our members recognise that some progress has been made with the promises to reduce the regulatory burdens faced by small business, but as the lukewarm response to our survey shows, the Chancellor has missed the opportunity to do far more to boost the small business sector.
In particular, the announcement to increase even further paid Maternity leave, to up to one year by 2010, will be treated with a sense of dread by many small businesses and the fact that more than eight out of ten members said it would be damaging for their business comes as no surprise.”
The FPB called for the Government to reduce increases in the Minimum Wage to bring them in line with the retail price index. The Government’s commitment to increasing the Minimum Wage year-on-year has found little favour with FPB members, with 46.3% describing the move as damaging.
The Chancellor’s promise to reduce Stamp Duty on residential properties also failed to impress, with almost 40% describing the move as damaging. Nick Goulding continued:- “The increase in residential Stamp Duty thresholds will, no doubt, capture the headlines. However, hidden in the detail of the Budget was the fact that the abolition of ‘enterprise areas,’ where previously businesses were exempt from stamp duty on new commercial property, will have a negative impact on business start-ups and expansion.
The FPB is also disappointed that no reference was made to the existing confusion surrounding small company structure. The impact of administrative and compliance obligations placed on business by the tax system means that business owners make the choice of company structure based on fiscal benefits rather than on commercial decisions. Businesses that were persuaded to incorporate for tax benefits now find the administrative complexity of incorporation negatively impacts on their ability to grow profitably. It is essential that a future government takes this issue seriously and places it at the forefront of an enterprise agenda as the current system is neither healthy for small businesses or UK plc.”
FPB Members were asked:-
What did you make of Gordon Brown's promises?
1 Damaging
2 Of some help
3 Very helpful
4 The best thing since sliced bread
5 Of no interest
1) Continued support for the minimum wage
37 (46.3%)
16 (20.0%)
8 (10.0%)
1 (1.3%)
2) Paid maternity leave for 1 year
67 (83.8%)
1 (1.3%)
3 (3.8%)
1 (1.3%)
3) Single tax return
8 (10.7%)
39 (52.0%)
16 (21.3%)
3 (4.0%)
4) No changes to stamp duty on commercial property
31 (38.8%)
22 (27.5%)
9 (11.3%)
1 (1.3%)
17 (21.3%)
5) Payments to employers for releasing staff for college training
3 (3.7%)
38 (46.9%)
22 (27.2%)
4 (4.9%)
6) Extra funding for employer training pilots
3 (3.7%)
32 (39.5%)
20 (24.7%)
3 (3.7%)
23 (28.4%)
7) One million fewer inspections
3 (3.7%)
30 (37.0%)
27 (33.3%)
11 (13.6%)
10 (12.3%)
8) Reduction of inspection agencies from 35 to 9
3 (3.8%)
26 (32.5%)
28 (35.0%)
10 (12.5%)
9) New guidelines to tackle the gold plating of European regulation
5 (6.3%)
25 (31.3%)
24 (30.0%)
7 (8.8%)
10) Further promotion of flat rate VAT scheme
2 (2.5%)
39 (49.4%)
10 (12.7%)
2 (2.5%)
11) No change in the rate of Corporation Tax
23 (28.4%)
29 (35.8%)
15 (18.5%)
2 (2.5%)
12) No change in the rate of Capital Gains Tax
31 (38.3%)
25 (30.9%)
12 (14.8%)
2 (2.5%)
11 (13.6%)
13) No change in the rate of Insurance Premium Tax
27 (33.3%)
31 (38.3%)
11 (13.6%)
2 (2.5%)
10 (12.3%)
14) No change to employers' National Insurance contribution level
28 (34.6%)
29 (35.8%)
15 (18.5%)
3 (3.7%)
6 (7.4%)
A selection of comments from FPB Members:- “The devil is in the detail and since he only gives out the good news, and selective bad news, in his speech it will be days until the full effects of his budget are known. His war on tax avoidance is especially concerning as often the effects of draconian legislation can be unintentionally
The abolition of Enterprise areas or areas you do not pay any stamp duty is extremely disappointing - is the government now saying that if I want to expand my business I will be penalised for
The Budget was just fiddling not anything decisive. Nothing to help the small/medium business