Transitions Dance Company at the PYRAMID

WELL you would have thought it was not possible, but it is now a reality,
Liverpool kids playing in Liverpool FC tops for Manchester United. Well a Subbuteo game any way... Steven Gerrard, Jaemi Carragher and Mark Delaney joined their Subbuteo Dream Team mates at Manchester United Thursday 31 March in a unique event, which brought them finally face to face with Alex Ferguson.

The two boys Steven Gerrard and Mark Delaney and one girl Jaemi Carragher who all share the same name as the premiership footballers, Steven Gerrard and Jaemi Carragher of Liverpool and Mark Delaney of Aston Villa, made the amazing transfer along with, David James (Manchester City), Paul Robinson (Tottenham Hotspur), Ryan Jarvis (Norwich City), James Beattie (Everton), Andrew Johnson (Crystal Palace), and Joe Cole (Chelsea).

They joined the 'Dream Team', which was made up of Manchester United players, Wes Brown, Alan Smith plus Manager Alex Ferguson…. who are all aged under 16 years old and share the same names as premiership footballers.
To help launch a new version of football game Subbuteo, Dream Team Stadium, MB Games searched the country for kids with the same names as premiership footballers. The team, which ranges from 10 years old up to 16 years old, showcased their Subbuteo football skills at the ultimate Theatre of Dreams, Manchester United.
Steven Gerrard, Jaemi Carragher and Mark Delaney with the other namesakes tested their skills and challenged each other in the ultimate play off 'subbuteo style' to take the title of Dream Team Man of The Match!

It was a close call as all team members gave it their all but the title was finally snatched from Wes Brown in the final by Irish lad and fellow team mate Alan Smith after a tense forty five minute battle.
Chris Weatherhead of MB Games:- "The Subbuteo tournament was even more exciting than we anticipated with the twelve determined and ambitious namesakes flicking it out for man of the match. With these namesakes we've literally brought a small version of the premiership to life, just like the new version of
Litter Louts To Be Hit with On-the-Spot Fines
LITTER louts, fly-tippers, graffiti artists and people who allow their dogs to foul pavements and parks are to be hit with on-the-spot fines in a new blitz on environmental crime in Liverpool.
People who are caught carrying out this sort of anti-social behaviour will be given a fixed penalty notice of £50. If they refuse to pay they will be prosecuted and face fines of up to £1,000 if found guilty and they will be named and shamed on the council's website.
The enforcement will be carried out by street crime wardens and plain-clothes council staff, supported by Gold Zone police.
Some successful pilot operations have been carried out using on-the-spot fines but the system will come into force in full in the coming weeks.
"It will be a 24 hour a day operation, seven days a week, because, unfortunately, people drop litter at all times of the day and night and we have to combat that.
Along with the vast majority of people, in the city, we are determined that Liverpool will be clean. litter and graffiti free. We will not allow the selfish minority to ruin our environment so we are going to have zero tolerance for this sort of
We need to change the culture of those people who think it is OK to drop their litter - whether it is a cigarette end or their takeaway containers - on our pavements and if it means hitting them in the pockets as soon as they have offended then that is what we will do.
And people should be aware that just because they can't see a crime warden in a high visibility jacket they will get away with dropping litter. There are other officers who are specially trained who can issue penalties and will take action against offenders."
said Councillor Mike Storey, Leader of the City Council.
Councillor Marilyn Fielding, Executive Member for Neighbourhood Services,
adde:- "This is something which is not confined to the city centre. We want to have safe, clean and attractive neighbourhoods. One of the commonest complaints we get from local communities is about environmental issues, litter, fly-tipping and dog fouling. We are determined to tackle that throughout the city."
The latest moves follow successful campaigns to tackle environmental crime last year which included a number of Action Days in which areas of the city were targeted for action. This resulted in several successful prosecutions for dropping litter and for allowing dogs to foul.
The city council also distributed 15,000 portable ashtrays in its Butts Out campaign to help deal with the problem of smoking-related litter.
There are about 1300 litter bins in the city and a planning policy has also been adopted that new takeaway food shops must provide litter bins.
Lift Up gets lift from local Masons
LIFT Up, the Southport support group for women who have or have had breast cancer, received a welcomed gift of £500 recently from the Perfect Ashlar Masonic Lodge in Southport.
Malcolm Gregson, Charity Steward for the Lodge said:- "We are always looking for different local Charities to help. When my wife Glynis was diagnosed with breast cancer two years ago the Breast Care Nurses at Southport Hospital and the people at Lift Up were so supportive to us both, I felt I wanted to help in some way. I suggested it to my fellow Brethren at the Lodge and they were more than happy to donate the £500."
Trish Watkins, Breast Care Nurse, who received the donation on behalf of Lift Up, said:-
"The members of Lift Up will be very grateful for this donation which will help fund some complimentary therapy and swimming sessions. Meetings of Lift Up are open to anyone who has had or is currently receiving treatment for breast cancer and we always welcome new members to the group."
The group meets on the last Thursday of each month on ward 4B at Southport & Formby District General Hospital. Events are organised for most months, and anyone who is interested in joining can contact either Janet Hicks or Trish Watkins on 01704 704087.
- Pleasureland
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