THE Liverpool Culture Company, supported by National Museums Liverpool, is to submit a planning application to locate the 'Liverpool Eye' on the city's spectacular waterfront.
If agreed, the Liverpool Eye will stand more than 197 feet high, commanding views of the city's World Heritage listed waterfront and Albert Dock complex, and enabling day trippers to see as far as North Wales and out to the Irish Sea.
And culture bosses are promising visitors to expect the best revolutionary ride of their lives as the Liverpool Eye would revolve three times, compared to London's one.
The giant wheel, one of the world's biggest and the most modern is owned by World Tourist Attractions Ltd. Fitted with climate control and air conditioning it cost €5 million Euros to build and would take approximately one week to transport and construct.
Day trippers could expect a commentary of Liverpool as they take in the spectacular views from revolving glass 'see pods'. It is set to be sited in the Canning Half-Tide Dock.
The Liverpool Eye weighs 345 tonnes and is supported by tanks containing 40,000 gallons of water. Standing as high as 15 double decker buses, the wheel is expected to attract more than 60,000 people, with 336 people per ride.
Once built, the wheel would be the biggest eye-catching addition to the city's Capital of Culture themed year, Sea Liverpool 2005, and will allow visitors to capture unique views of events such as the 25th Mersey River Festival, the UK's biggest free maritime festival.
Jason Harborow, Chief Operating Officer for the Liverpool Culture Company, said:-
"The Liverpool Eye will offer stunning views and a fantastic ride.
It will give visitors eye popping views of the river and the city which will be jam packed with spectacular events as we celebrate our year of Sea Liverpool 2005."
The 'Eye' would be programmed to revolve three times per ride taking between 12 to 15 minutes. Tickets would cost £5.50 for adults, £4.50 for senior citizens and £3.50 for children.
World Tourist Attractions Ltd are proposing to operate the 'Eye' from 10am to 11pm, seven days a week.
Liverpool City Council Leader Mike Storey, said:- "They say New York is so good they named it twice, well Liverpool is so good you need to see it three times. Visitors will be really in a spin. And the 'Liverpool Eye' will be the best value for money eye in the world.
It will be a great addition to the waterfront and will give local people and visitors a fantastic bird's eye view of this beautiful city of ours."
The 'Eye' will also help light up the city's world famous sky-line at night. It boasts 60,000 Light emitting Diodes (LED's) along its 21 huge steel spokes and 42 'see pods', which can each accommodate a maximum of eight people.
David Fleming, Director of National Museums Liverpool, said:- "If the Capital of Culture team can satisfy all the technical and planning conditions, the Liverpool Eye could be a tremendously exciting venture, just imagine the views!
We've all seen the massively positive impact the London Eye has had and in my opinion the Liverpool waterfront is just as spectacular as the Thames embankment. The Liverpool Eye will be a fabulous family and tourist attraction and yet another great reason to visit the city."
Press statement by the B.D.A.
THE British Dietetic Association fully supports the moves to make substantial improvements to food in schools, including additional funding to improve school meals in England, and the development of the Food in Schools Toolkit, and welcomes measures to improve the standards, and monitoring, of school meals.
Dietitians have long supported the importance of a whole school approach to food, which includes healthy vending options and school meals derived from nutrient-based guidelines, learning about food within the structure of the curriculum, and developing food skills that can contribute to improved diet later in life. For some time, dietitians have been actively involved with a wide range of school-based initiatives; for instance, many community dietitians contribute to School Nutrition Action Groups, and their input has made a real difference.
However, more funding is required to roll out the excellent work already being done to more schools across Local Education Authorities. Dietitians welcome the announcement, made today, that a further £280 million will be spent to improve school meals in England and eagerly await the launch of nutritional standards, which will be mandatory from September 2006.
Whilst the efforts of celebrity chef, Jamie Oliver, have clearly been instrumental in raising awareness of the need to tackle the current dire nature of meals served in some schools, it is also clear that, to help improve children's nutritional health, more needs to be done than simply change lunchtime menus.
We strongly support the need to engage parents, teachers, governors, schools inspectors, as well as caterers and the food industry, together with a sustainable commitment from Government to provide the necessary infrastructure that underpins the planned improvements.
In addition to the extra funding for school meals, dietitians also welcome the launch, today, of the Department of Health's Food in Schools Toolkit. The Toolkit, developed with input from dietitians, aims to support, guide and inspire schools in taking a 'whole-school' approach to healthy eating and drinking, as well as addressing some of the wider issues in improving children's diets.
Dietitians are key contributors to the implementation of the changes needed to improve school meals. They can be consulted on both local and national levels to ensure that the changes being delivered are nutritionally sound and based on models which have been shown to work.
Dr Frankie Phillips, National Public Relations Officer for The British Dietetic Association said:- "At a time of life when a good diet is essential, dietitians agree that the contribution made by foods eaten at school is vital, and needs to be subject to tougher
Carol Weir, of The British Dietetic Association's Community Nutrition Group said:-
"School food provides more than nutrients; it helps develop social and life skills, and plays a pivotal role in promoting healthier eating. It is essential to enable children to make healthy choices, and to make the healthy choice the easy choice."
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