Letters To Editor:-
"NHS Organ Donor Register"
DEAR Editor, "On behalf of NHS UK Transplant, I'd like to say a huge thank you to all your readers who have pledged to help others to live after their death.
Six months ago, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the NHS Organ Donor Register, we launched a nationwide challenge to encourage a million more people to let their loved ones know their wishes and add their names to the register.
Already 546,574 people have said they want to leave a legacy of life to others by donating organs and tissue for transplantation after their death. More than 12.1m people - 20% of the population - have now signed up to save lives.
We know that many more people are willing to help - but just haven't got round to signing up. Many others already carry a donor card but unless they turn this into a lasting record by joining the register, their wishes may not be fulfilled.
Organ donation can be a difficult subject to discuss with your family and friends, but donor families tell us that they have found some comfort in knowing that the loss of someone they love has given someone else the gift of life.
Last year more than 400 people died waiting for a suitable organ to be donated. Nearly 8,000 people need an organ transplant in the UK.
To find out more call the Organ Donor Line on 0845 60 60 400 or visit www.uktransplant.org.uk
Be remembered. For life.
Yours faithfully
Penny Hallett, UK Transplant (NHS) in Bristol"
Men and women have different priories when voting
MEN and women have very different priorities when it comes to voting in the general election, reveals Good Housekeeping's latest survey of more than 1500 people. 25% of women considered health the most important issue - also number 1 in Good Housekeeping's 2001 voting survey, closely followed by education, 22%. For 34% of women aged 18-34, education is the most important issue. Men's main concerns are the economy, jobs and taxation, 28%, and law and order, 19%. Men considered health, 18%, and education, 13%, less important in their voting priorities.
Women in the South East consider law and order to be the most important Issue, 23%, while women in the Midlands think it's education, 24%. Only 3% of women and 4% of men said their voting would be influenced by the war in Iraq. More than a third of the 83% of women who would vote are not convinced theirs will make any difference.
Tony Blair is considered a more appealing leader than Michael Howard - 41% against 19%, Londoners were the least keen on Howard, 16% against 43% for Blair. However in the South East (excluding London) the 2 leaders each scored 31%. Charles Kennedy is just 1 point, 18% behind Michael Howard, 19%, with Kennedy more popular than Howard 19% against 15% among women aged 18-44.
Tony Blair's popularity decreases with the age of women surveyed. 47% of 18-24 year olds like him, compared with 30% of the 65+ category. Michael Howard's popularity increases with older women - just 11% of 25 - 34 year olds rate him compared with 29% of over 65s. Tony Blair was voted the most appealing leader of the Labour Party, 45%, with Gordon Brown following closely, 38%. 54% of women think that the Conservative Party has torn itself apart over Europe.
29% of younger women (18-24) won't bother to vote. Women in the South East were the biggest sceptics, with 33% not believing their vote will make any difference, closely followed by the Scots at 32%. Women in Wales and the South West are the most likely to vote and believe that their votes will make a difference.
A GROUP of adults with learning disabilities are coming together to celebrate the success of their own short film. The 12 strong team of budding Steven Spielbergs are members of a group called
"Arts for All" who attend day centres in Toxteth and Fazakerley.
They were commissioned to produce "The Journey" as part of the 2004 Biennial, under the direction of artist Leo Fitzmaurice. The 10 minute mini-movie follows each of them on a trip from each of their homes to the city centre, exploring their relationship with Liverpool, while producing a portrait of the city itself. The group's journey concluded at the Bluecoat Arts Centre, reflecting the journey visitors from around the world would make to get to the Liverpool Biennial. They devised the storyboard, used video cameras to film it, chose the music and were actively involved in the editing process.
It has been screened at the Bluecoat Gallery, the Museum of Liverpool Life, the FACT Centre, on the Liverpool Big Screen and even at the Brighton Festival. On Thursday April 7, the mini-movie will be screened at the Foresight Centre. There will also be a special exhibition telling the story of the making of the ten minute film.
Councillor Barbara Collinge, assistant executive member for social care, said:-
"This film is a wonderful example of the creativity that exists in all sectors of the community in Liverpool. The making of this film has given the adults the opportunity to develop new skills which they never had the opportunity of doing before."
Lyn James-Jenkinson, Group Manager at Liverpool City Council, added:-
"Many of these adults have never before seen themselves on television. It has given them the confidence to go out and try and do other things, and they are already thinking about their next project. It has been a fantastic experience for them."
The project was managed through the Bluecoat Connect Programme in partnership with Liverpool Biennial, with funding from Arts Council England.
Happy 40th birthday Culcheth library

CULCHETH library turned 40 last month and staff and library users have been
celebrating in style.
They organised a week of birthday celebrations for both young and old to
enjoy including a party on Thursday 24th March.
There was birthday cake and refreshments, the Mayor of Warrington Cllr Ted
Lafferty, gave a speech and his best wishes for the next 40 years and there
were prizes for people who share their birthday with the library.
Childrens' craft activities and a 'remember the 60's?' quiz were just some
of the events that people took part in during the week.
Karen Poolton, School and Community Librarian, said:- "It was a great week
packed with lots of fun and we are glad that people came along to join in
the celebrations. The library has played a big part in the community for the
last 40 years and will continue to do so in the future."