New addition to Southport Reporter

WE are very please to introduce this week our latest addition to the team, Paul who is going to produce a weekly cartoon based on the week's national and international news headlines and also local topics. His web page if you want to see more of his work is This week he looked at the three main parties as they battled it out on the topic of
What makes us British?
AS the elections loom ever closer, we have heard so many things about immigration from all parties, one of the latest statements was from the Conservatives, who brought up the issue of British values. But what makes us British? As it is St Gorges Day next Saturday, we want to see what you our readers think about what the makes us British.
Camouflage or Cramming?
PARKING attendants in Sefton could soon have green uniforms in a bid to cram angry motorists. Over the last few years parking attendees have been facing increasing anger from the motorists in the UK and it is thought that the new green uniforms would loose the
"aggressive and threatening appearance of the current uniforms used by Sefton's attendants." So what do you are readers think? Send your feelings in to us by email to
or by post to Weekly Cartoon & Comments, Southport Reporter, 4a post Office Ave, Southport, Merseyside, PR9 0US. We will publish the results next week.
will get your vote?

the two week is up for the Southport Night Life 2005 Vote but you
still have to 6 May 2005 to vote for you top Southport Town Center
pub and clubs.
you have to do is vote for the best club or pub in the Town Center
via printing off one of our voting slips from this site or cutting
out them out of the Champion. We have 5 categories to
choose from.
rules are as follows:-
Only official voting slips may
be used
Comments must not be placed on
slips (de-faced forms will be scrapped)
Vote boxes will be opened by
staff from The Champion and/or Southport Reporter.
The editor’s decision is