SOUTHPORT Reporter asks you to imagine the scene:-
"You're cooking the meal, its raining on the washing and the baby's been sick and then the 'phone rings! You grab the receiver and its someone trying to sell you something, yet again."
A familiar scene?
What's your reaction?
Maybe you're really interested to hear of the offer, or new product. Perhaps you feel sorry for the person trying to earn a living on a saleperson's commission, or like many of us you feel thoroughly irritated. Worse still when they ask, 'How are you?', or give the impression that they are from a firm you use insome way like BT! Of course, you could respond to the former by giving a long, long litany of various ailments until they ring off in despair.
Maybe you are already registered with the Telephone Preference Service and hoped that this would stop these intrusions. Unfortunately, many of these calls are now made by third parties from outside Britain and are not covered be the terms of TPS. BT say this is a real problem and it is currently being looked at.
If the call is on behalf of a British company, this company may be asked about their methods; for example Offcom will investigate the calls concerning telephone or mobile companies.
For further information call BT's Helpline 08454563000.
Alternatively you may put down the receiver,or leave your receiver off the 'hook'. Perhaps if more people did this, these companies would be forced to re-evaluate their practices.
On no account press any buttons on your receiver, even if requested to do so, for that could result in you finding yourself accepting costs!
These may include calls perporting to offer a prize, or discounts, often to elicit further information from you about your finances, bank etc.
Remember that there is no such thing as a 'free lunch', or free anything else, and that there's probably a catch somewhere.
Be on your guard, be alert!
Parish Church of St Luke, Formby, Services for May 2005.
Sunday, 1 May. 6 Sunday of Easter. Philip & James, Apostles.
8.30am Holy Communion, CW.
10.30am Morning Prayer and Baptism, CW.
Monday, 2 May. Athanasius, Alexandria Bishop, Faith Teacher.
7.00pm Prayers in Church.
8.00pm Meditation.
Tuesday, 3 May.
8.30am Morning Prayer, C CP (1/2 hour).
Thursday, 5 May. Ascension Day.
Election Day.
9.15am Holy Communion.
Sunday, 8 May. 7 Sunday of Easter. Julian of Norwich, Spiritual Writer.
8.30am Holy Communion, BCP.
10.30am Family Praise.
5.00pm Holy Communion, CW.
Monday, 9 May.
7.00pm Prayers in Church.
8.00pm Meditation.
Tuesday, 10 May.
8.30am Morning Prayer, CCP (1/2 hour).
Sunday, 15 May. Pentecost.
8.30am Holy Communion, BCP.
10.30am Parade Service (Followed by a BBQ)
Monday, 16 May. Caroline Chisholm, Social Reformer.
7.00pm Prayers in Church.
8.00pm Meditation.
Tuesday, 17 May.
8.30am Morning Prayer, CCP (1/2 hour).
Sunday, 22 May. Trinity Sunday.
8.30am Holy Communion, BCP.
10.30am Confirmation Service with Holy Communion, CW.
Monday, 23 May. Petroc, Holy Places Protector.
7.00pm Prayers in Church.
8.00pm Holy Week Meditation.
Tuesday, 24 May. Dunstan, Canterbury Archbishop, Restorer of Monastic Life.
8.30am Morning Prayer, CCP (1/2 hour).
Sunday, 29 May. Trinity 1.
8.30am Holy Communion, CW.
10.30am Merseyfest Service, CW
Monday, 30 May. Apo Kivebulaya, Priest, Central Africa Evangelist.
7.00pm Prayers in Church
8.00pm Meditation
Tuesday, 31 May. The Blessed Virgin Mary visited Elizabeth.
8.30am Morning Prayer, CCP (1/2 hour)
Thursday, 2nd June.
9.15am Holy Communion