MORE children in the North West have had a threatening or embarrassing photograph taken of them on a mobile phone than anywhere else in the country, reveals research by NCH and Tesco Mobile out on 7 June 2005. The survey shows that 14 per cent of North West youngsters have become victims of this new phenomenon - compared to a country-wide average of ten per cent.
Seven per cent of mobile photo bullying victims say this image was also sent to other people. 16 per cent of 11 to 19 year olds in the North West say they have been bullied or threatened via their mobile phone or computer.
Text bullying is the biggest problem. A total of 11 per cent have been bullied or threatened via text message, compared to four per cent in Internet chat-rooms and two per cent via email.
Tesco Mobile has joined forces with leading children's charity NCH to tackle the problem of mobile phone bullying. Today they are launching an interactive website called
is hoped that it will give advice and support for young people affected by this issue.
Tesco Mobile has also launched a text back service to provide another way for young people to find out where to get help with mobile bullying. Mobile users just text the word BULLY to 60000 to receive a message with advice on how to get support.
The survey also reveals that two-thirds (66 per cent) of this bullying or threatening behaviour is carried out by someone the victim knows. A total of 12 per cent of North West youngsters admit they have sent a bullying or threatening text message to someone else.
NCH's new technology advisor John Carr says:- "For a child or teenager being bullied by mobile phone, it can be terrifying and feel like there is no escape. This new research reveals the massive scale of mobile bullying and shows how camera phones are being used by bullies to frighten and intimidate their victims.
This extremely worrying phenomenon highlights the urgent need to tackle mobile bullying before it ruins more lives. Together, NCH and Tesco Mobile are determined to make a real difference."
Tesco Mobile chief executive Andy Dewhurst says:- "We know how important the mobile phone is to young people. It is their contact with friends, their social life and an important way of being able to stay in touch with family.
However, sometimes the mobile phone is being used as a means of carrying out bullying. Our research showed more than a quarter of young people didn't tell anyone when they had faced mobile bullying and one in 10 didn't know where to go for help.
The interactive website and text back service launched with NCH are the first steps in our campaign to combat mobile bullying and we believe it will make a difference."
NCH and Tesco Mobile are also working closely with Tesco's Computers for Schools scheme to determine parents' and teachers' understanding of mobile bullying and what information they need. Using data from this survey, an information pack will be sent to the 28,000 schools involved in the scheme.

THIS year, visitors to the Southport Flower Show can take advantage of a flexible ticketing system that permits visitors to use pre-purchased tickets on any day throughout the Show from Thursday 18 August to Sunday 21 August 2005. If the weather turns inclement, then the ticket can be used for a subsequent day. Directors of Southport Flower Show recognised that many Flower Shows restrict visitor choice by forcing people to purchase tickets that are valid for one particular day only. The organisers have therefore decided to provide guests to Southport with more flexibility to ensure their visit to the Flower Show is as enjoyable as possible.
Steve Dickson, non-executive director of marketing explains:- “We offer a discount for tickets bought in advance and we acknowledge that people’s plans change. This system is much fairer for the customer, as it is difficult to know at this stage exactly which day will be most convenient to visit. By giving people freedom of choice, guests can use their pre-purchased ticket on any one of the four days.”
This year has also seen an amazing increase in the purchase of Patron’s Badges, which are available to all members of the general public and provide unlimited access to the Show over all four days, offering unprecedented value for money. In addition, Patron Badge holders are allowed access to a special VIP catering marquee with its own toilet facilities, avoiding the need to queue at any of the public outlets. Patron’s tickets are just £27.00 for the four day pass per person, representing a staggering saving of up to £33 on the individual ‘on the day’ ticket prices. Concessions are £25 for the four day pass, representing a saving of up to £31 on the full price gate ticket. To pre-purchase tickets telephone Ticketmaster on 0870 44 44 226 or book online at (£1.50 transaction fee for credit card/internet bookings). Patron’s tickets are limited and will be issued on a first come first served basis.
Visit www.southportflowershow.couk for full information.
Ticket prices:-
Adult Full Day:- £12 advance
£15 on the day
Concessions:- £11 advance
£14 on the day
Patrons Badges:- £27 for four day pass
£25 (concessions for four day pass)
Children under 16 free when accompanied by a full paying adult.
Opening days and times:-
Thursday 18 August 2005 9am until 7pm
Friday 19 August 2005 9am until 8pm
Saturday 20 August 2005 9am until 7pm
Sunday 21 August 2005 10am until 5pm