- Liverpool security firm goes for gold
AS an amateur boxer Lee Jones missed his chance of a gold medal at the Barcelona Olympics because of a last-minute injury. Now, with help from Business Link for Greater Merseyside, the former light heavyweight from Liverpool is going for gold again. And this time it’s one that could help him knock out his business rivals.
Lee’s company, Stone Security Services, has now been undergoing a major transformation to enable it to extend its operations and target more profitable contract areas.
“We’ve already succeeded in rebranding the company’s new vehicles, uniforms and marketing materials thanks to consultancy and funding from Business Link,”
said Amanda Jones, the company’s marketing director. “We’re also working towards the National Security Inspectorate’s Gold Standard - which very few companies possess - to give us a real competitive edge. Business Link has helped us change the direction of the business and we couldn’t have achieved this without its support. It is now helping us with the training of static security guards to meet new regulations coming in next year, while we’re also going to work with advisers to gain Investors in People accreditation.”
Lee Jones set up the original company 10 years ago but saw the opportunity to move upmarket when the Government recently set new standards for the security industry.
The business was relaunched as Stone Security Services and set about gaining accreditation with the new National Security Authority while rebranding itself to appeal to a wider target market.
Business Link has already provided funding towards a £25,000 rebranding project and a further project is being considered for the next year’s marketing strategy.
Based in the Albert Dock, Stone security services employs more than sixty staff and provides security for Beetham Tower and the Passport Office, as well as for the Albert Dock itself and many large construction sites.
It also works alongside Liverpool City Council and the Liverpool Culture Company and is involved in events such as the River Festival, the Clipper Race and major fireworks displays.
“This is a go-ahead company that is set to grow, and the support and funding we’re providing will enable it to target more profitable and upmarket business areas.”
said Business Link adviser Howard Fleming.
No Respect! New generation of chavs usher in tribal Britain
FINDINGS reveiled this week in the new edition of Collins English Dictionary indicate how the Chav has himself now been overtaken by an avalanche of violent tribal language and the rise of a new underclass that challenges even the most modest expectations of respect to others.
Tribal: Skanger, wanksta, chavette, chavish, yarco, skater, ned, nedette: these new names for urban tribes are among the 1500 new words included in the new edition of the Collins English Dictionary. Since last year, chavs seem to have evolved into an even more violent and dangerous underclass. The limousine liberals can relax in Chiantishire, though, as we now have an ASBO to keep the badmash and feral children in order.
Offensive:- Hood rat, hornbag, langer, haramzada, damaged goods, dumbshit, kuta. We are also inventing new and more offensive ways to insult each other. Celebrity mothers were once happy to be regarded as ‘yummy mummies’, but how will they feel about this year’s milf?
Violent:- Slashfest, chib, hate speech, shockumentary, exhibition killing, and Padre Pio illustrate the Tarantinoesque side of our society. The ‘happy slapping’ in the news recently provides further evidence of a disturbing rise in random violence and has already been entered into the Collins Word Exchange.
Obscene:- Piking, mutha, green light district, bump uglies and hit skins: our sex lives and our insults are becoming more degrading and obscene. Looking up bukkake is only recommended for the most broad-minded.
Britain today according to Jeremy Butterfield, the Editor-in-Chief of Collins English Dictionary, believes that the type of language we are witnessing highlights the lack of respect in our society that has been so criticized recently:-
“The variety of names for urban tribes is a sign of the fear people seem to have for them all over the country. The obscene and violent words in this edition provide a sinister picture of something that is becoming more and more a part of everyday life.”
The new entries from the Collins Word Exchange website support Jeremy’s point. An increasing number of entries are offensive:- butters, geebag, growler, and scrote are amongst 50 new words that have been chosen from the thousands suggested by Word Exchange users to be included in this edition of the Collins English Dictionary.
Collins Word Exchange is the most fun FREE online dictionary around, with the Collins English Dictionary free online, and a unique facility - the Living Dictionary, recording new words the public think should be added to the dictionary. You can make your mark on the English language by suggesting a word for inclusion in the Collins English Dictionary:-
