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Edition No. 205

Date:- 12  June 2005

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THE Walker's major summer exhibition Age Of Jazz:- British Art Deco Ceramics will open from 11 June to 30 October 2005. Antiques expert and television personality Eric Knowles, will be casting his expert eye over the exhibition before it opens.

Using ceramics from the Walker's decorative art collections and loans from all over Britain, the exhibition is the first of its kind in the UK. Featuring some top art deco manufacturers and designers such as Clarice Cliff, Susie Cooper, Crown Devon and Shelley, Age of Jazz highlights some exceptionally rare objects, which are thought to be the only examples in existence. 

The wide variety of fabulous objects includes masks, figurines, vases, tableware and all with a range of influences such as Cubism, Modernism, oriental and Egyptian art. The exhibition explores themes such as the way Art Deco meets Modernism, the Harrods connection, and the portrayal of animals and landscapes.

Julian Treuherz, keeper of art galleries at National Museums Liverpool, says:- "This will be a comprehensive exhibition on British Art Deco ceramics. We have been able to borrow many superb examples from the leading private collectors in the field. It is a chance in a lifetime to see British Art Deco in depth, in one of the most unusual and stylish shows ever mounted at the Walker."

The exhibition also includes paintings and costume to recreate the feeling of the period. 

The Walker William Brown Street, Liverpool 
Admission:- FREE 
Opening times:- 10am to 5pm every day 
Information:- 0151 478 4199 

Get shooting the dog...…. competition!!!

THE Kennel Club is looking for submissions for its new Kennel Club Dog Photography Competition. The competition, which was launched at Crufts this year and is open to anyone and everyone, all that’s needed is a camera and a love of dogs.

There are 4 categories that you can enter, they are Dogs at Work, Dogs at Play, Dog Portrait and Man’s Best Friend – as well as a free competition for under 16’s called:- “I love dogs because…..” All ideal categories for you to capture whilst on your summer holidays and remember you don’t have to have a dog to take part.

The overall winning photograph from the competition will be framed and displayed at Discover Dogs and within the Kennel Club Art Gallery in Mayfair alongside the other finalists’ images throughout December. The image will also be used on the front cover of the Kennel Gazette and displayed at Crufts 2006.

Said Caroline Kisko, Kennel Club Secretary:- “We all love to take pictures of our special companions and we have received a great response so far for the competition. We look forward to receiving many more entries to see just how diversely people view their dogs. One of the reasons why the Kennel Club is holding the competition is to help protect and promote the dog’s role in society and of course to highlight the message of responsible dog ownership, we hope that some of the finalists’ photographs will demonstrate these aims!” 

The cost of entering the adult categories is £7.50 per person with any profit made going direct to the Kennel Club Charitable Trust to help benefit the health and welfare of dogs. Entry to the under 16s competition is free. To find out more about the competition and to get a downloadable application form please go to Alternatively telephone the Kennel Club Picture library 020 7518 1035/1009.


STAYING in really will become the new going out for Merseyside residents unless local pubs, restaurants, night clubs and late night takeaways put in their licensing applications by 6 August, Licensing Minister, James Purnell, warned today. 

Every business, which sells alcohol, puts on entertainment, or serves hot food after 11pm must apply for a new licence. If they don’t do this within the next eight weeks they run the risk of being shut down when the new laws come into force in November. This means that the county’s 2012 public houses, 420 restaurants and 1215 off licenses, in addition to the late night food venues need to act now and apply for their new licence.

Licensing Minister, James Purnell, said:- “Staying in really will become the new going out unless pubs, bars, off-licences, restaurants and takeaways apply now. These new laws give businesses new opportunities if they want to take them. But they are risking missing out. And so are their customers. The message to licensees is stark and simple. Apply now. Otherwise people in Merseyside could well be spending some very quiet nights in."

This new single licence replaces 6 licences that currently allow venues the flexibility to stage music and entertainment, in addition to varying opening hours. Under the current system venues have to apply for special licences if they wish to extend their opening hours or offer public entertainment and pay additional fees. This currently affects the 348 premises with special hours licenses and 194 premises who have extended licences in Merseyside. 

Licensees will now only have to apply once for a premises licence, rather than constantly renewing and reapplying. They will then keep that licence forever, unless they were to vary its terms. This will save the industry time and an estimated £2 billion over the next 10 years. 

Feargal Sharkey, Chairman of the Live Music Forum, said:- “People want to be entertained. And let’s face it, there’s no better entertainment than live music. The new licensing laws create a fantastic opportunity. They make it easier to provide live music. That’s good for music fans and it's good for business. If you want to change your license to provide live music, continue providing live music, extend your opening hours - or just keep things the same, you need to apply, now.”

Additionally the Licensing Act will benefit local residents by giving them a say in the licensing decisions which affect them. Flexible opening hours will reduce the disorder problems associated with large groups of people congregating at 11pm and 2am after closing time.

Food venues are an integral part of the UK’s vibrant leisure scene, with 2.5 million diners visiting an Indian restaurant each week, 283 million portions of fish and chips being served up each year and 10,000 pizzerias thriving across the country. If they choose to open late they will be required to be licensed for the first time, again to ensure local communities can have a say in what businesses are in operation late at night. Late night food venues in London have been licensed since 1969, so the new Licensing Act will ensure that communities across the rest of the country can now be consulted in the same way.

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