- New map brings ancient Britain to life
THE secrets of Ancient Britain are to be revealed in a revised Historical map and guide from Ordnance Survey. Aimed at anyone with an interest in the early history of Britain - from schoolchildren through to archaeologists and tourists - the map helps bring the past to life.
Information on the map includes ancient roads and place names, as well as comprehensive features and illustrations on many aspects of life in the period, including land use and settlement sites. Photographs, showing how many of the sites look today, are also used to give context.
The map is created in conjunction with The National Monuments Record of English Heritage, the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland and the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales. It features the whole of Great Britain on a double-sided sheet and shows the detailed history of ancient Britain, including the Neolithic, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Roman and early Medieval periods - against a backdrop of modern Ordnance Survey mapping.
"As well as dramatically changing the format of this map, we've given it a fresh new look - and a bright front cover,"
says Ordnance Survey's Emma Redgrave. "It's an extremely useful educational tool - but it can be used in many other ways too. Britain is blessed with a wealth of interesting places to visit, many with high historical significance. Including a timeline of the key historic dates, events and archaeological evidence, the map can act as a quick historical reference guide as well as a scholarly tool."
The Ancient Britain map and guide joins another in Ordnance Survey's historical map series. The other, called Roman Britain, shares the same format and style. They both cost £6.25 and illustrate the geographical distribution of some of the most important visible ancient monuments of Great Britain set against Ordnance Survey 1:625,000 scale mapping.
Emma Redgrave says:- "Both maps complement the OS Travel, Tour map series which are based on popular tourist areas and include essential tourist information to help you get the most from your trip."
All the maps are available from all major Ordnance Survey stockists or by ordering direct from Ordnance Survey's online leisure map shop at:-
IF you've always thought there must be more to Sunday afternoons than the EastEnders omnibus, you're right! The Meningitis Trust, the UK's leading meningitis charity is calling for people from the North West to join them on Sunday 31 July 2005 for a Sunday afternoon stroll with a difference, a sponsored walk across the sands at Morecambe Bay, a trip described by many as one of the world's most wonderful journeys.
Christine Hughes, Meningitis Trust explains:- "It's only possible to walk across Morecambe Bay a few times a year because the path is usually obstructed by the sea, but on Sunday 31 July, weather permitting, we will have enough time to finish the eight-mile route before the tide comes in. Escorted by Cedric Robinson, the Queens Guide to the Sands, who will use his knowledge of the area to lead our walkers safely across the estuary, we should have a fantastic time. Mr Robinson will also be on hand to answer questions on the natural and local history of the bay."
The Morecambe cross-bay walk is being partly organised by Grange-over-Sands Tourist Information Manger, Tracey Ingram. Tracey understands only too well the devastating effects meningitis can have, after catching meningococcal meningitis herself in 2002.
Fortunately Tracey has made a good recovery but the disease did leave her deaf in one ear. Tracey says:- "By taking part in the Meningitis Trust Morecambe cross-bay walk and raising sponsorship money for the charity you will be enabling the Meningitis Trust to educate the public and health professional on the dangers of meningitis as well as allowing it to provide care and support for the thousands of people every year who are affected by meningitis."
The walk starts at the Arnside Promenade at 2:15pm on Sunday 31 July and arrives at Kents Bank Station, Grange-over-Sands at approximately 5:30pm. Registration costs £5 for adults, £2 for kids and just £1 for canine companions. We ask that participants raise as much sponsorship money as they can. If you're interested in taking part the Morecambe cross-bay walk call Christine Hughes on 0845 120 47 64 before Monday 11 July 2005 to register for a place.
