- Council Gives Green Light to Merseytram
LIVERPOOL City Council today paved the way for building work to start on Line 1 of Merseytram. The Council's Executive Board said it was minded to grant Merseytravel the certificate they require to proceed with the construction of the line from the city centre to Kirkby.
However, the granting of the certificate is subject to Merseytravel receiving the funding they require from the Department of Transport and this has to be without conditions, which could put Council finances at risk.
"We are minded to grant the certificate, subject to some negotiations, even though the Government has not yet confirmed its funding as we want to be as supportive of
Merseytram as possible. Merseytram is a crucial part of the regeneration of Liverpool, and will enhance the city's public transport with a new network of modern, efficient and clean trams. We want to see Line 1 up and running in time for Capital of Culture in 2008."
said Councillor Peter Millea, Executive Member for Regeneration.
The council is also seeking assurances that all other funding for the project is, or will be, in place, as it wants to be satisfied that no additional financial burden should fall on Council taxpayers because of the scheme.
Further negotiations are to take place with Merseytravel about a number of issues relating to highways issues including the alignment of the tram at Lime Street, Kings Dock, and the Pier Head; design work at the Paradise Project and the extent of the work at William Brown Street. It is hoped that these negotiations will be completed by 24 June.
Councillor Millea added:- "The certificate will enable Merseytravel to start on the building work by July subject to us having reasonable safeguards in place over the cost, design work and programming of the project. We have a duty to Council taxpayers to ensure that additional construction and running costs do not fall on them and we also want to make sure that we have a high quality design in keeping with a Capital of Culture and World Heritage City.
However, this is all dependent on the Department for Transport confirming the funding for the scheme. Until they do that both Merseytravel and ourselves cannot move ahead. It is very frustrating that they are taking so long to make a decision and I would urge them to make the announcement which will make Merseytram happen as soon as possible."
A B Longden from Rotherham picked up a gold medal for their floral display at Gardening Scotland, Scotland's foremost gardening and outdoor living show. There was gold too for Craig House Cacti of Southport at this year's show.
Meanwhile there were silver awards for Reginald Kaye of Carnforth; Maureen Iddon Hardy Plants of Preston and Mary Green from The Walled Garden in Hornby. Pinewood Bonsai of Formby picked up a silver gilt award for their display of both indoor and outdoor bonsai trees.
Gardening Scotland, which took place at The Royal Highland Centre, Ingliston, Edinburgh, between Friday 3 and Sunday 5 June, featured more than 400 horticultural, outdoor living, arts, crafts and food and drink exhibitors from across Britain; a full programme of talks and demonstrations in the Beechgrove Theatre and more stunning show and patio gardens than ever before.
This year the event produced a bumper crop of medal winners who impressed the judges with their design abilities and horticultural excellence. Gardening Scotland Chairman Fred Last said:-
"The standard of exhibitors this year was exceptionally high making this year's Gardening Scotland
a vintage show."
On Stage @ The Liverpool Empire.

to the above couple, who got married on Saturday 4 June 2005 on the
sage of the Liverpool empire with their family dressed in Walt Disney