Everton FC Ladies Womens Euro 2005
Photos by Sally Devine

of Everton F.C. Ladies were in action recently during the Womens Euro Tournament held in the North West.Rachel Brown goalkeeper, Fara Williams midfield and Rachel Unitt fullback were all involved in the games against Finland, Sweden and Denmark. The match was on the 5 June and involved Rachel Brown [13] Goalkeeper, Rachel Unitt [3] Full back, All play for Everton Ladies F.C. and Fara Williams [8] Midfield.


Charity calls for parents to stop or be stopped from smoking at home
A public call for smoking to be banned in households with children has been backed by the UK's premier oral health information charity. The British Dental Health Foundation, co-ordinators of Mouth Cancer Awareness Week (November 13-19) spoke out after a survey by Developing Patient Partnerships found that 72 percent of people were in favour of a ban.
According to the Foundation, smoking is the most common cause of mouth cancer, which kills 1 person every 5 hours. Research has found that passive smoking can cause a person to develop mouth cancer, while children who live with a smoker are more likely to grow up to be smokers themselves.
Dr Nigel Carter, chief executive of the British Dental Health Foundation, commented:-
"Mouth cancer is a very deadly condition, killing around 50% of sufferers. The number of new cases is increasing faster than any other cancer. Although it can affect anyone, smoking is the most common cause. We can do everything possible to educate children on the dangers of smoking, but if parents are smoking at home then all that hard work is undone. Children need to be protected from the dangers of passive smoking and to be given a good example by their parents."
The news comes just days after Ministers unveiled plans to ban smoking in all
workplaces, pubs that sell food and all enclosed public places by 2008. The latest survey found that 65 percent of smokers were in favour of a ban in households with children. 42% children live in homes with at least 1 smoker
and 30% smoke around children.
Dr Carter continued:- "By banning smoking in the home you may help to break the pattern of children following their parents into the habit. As well mouth cancer, smoking causes stained teeth, bad breath and gum disease - which itself has been linked to heart disease and lung disease. It really is an incredibly risky habit." However he added:- "Of course a ban like this would be near impossible to put into practice. Ideally, parents should be educated on the damage they are doing to their children, encouraging them strongly to quit the habit."
Mouth Cancer Awareness Week is co-ordinated by the British Dental Health
Foundation, supported by Denplan, and backed by a wide range of leading national health organisations. These include Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), British Dental Association, British Association of Head and Neck Oncologists, British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, Cancer Research UK, the health departments of the four UK countries, GKT, Mouth Cancer Foundation, Pharmacy Health Link, QUIT and Scope.