The Face of Southport...
you to all who have emailed us this week.... Suggestions so far to our
question:-- "Which skyline icon or building most distinguises Southport as Southport?"
"Could it be
are The Pier, the Marine Parade Bridge or even the Gasometer?" Doris (aka, ped) from Southport.
"The Gasometer, as it stands out for miles and miles
around".... Chris from Churchtown.
"Pontins Holiday
Camp"... Lee from Bootle.
"The Marine Bridge and Holy Trinity
Church"... Jean from Formby.
"The TIC on Lord
Street"... Colin from Formby.
"The Vue and the new shops around
it"... Sue from Southport.
"The Observatory is a forgotten gem in
Southport"... Lisa King, Ainsdale.
"The Round
House"... William Young from Southport.
Pier"... Margaret from High Town.
"The old Hospital on the
Prom"... Jessica (Aged 8), Birkdale.
"The Town Hall of course! Carla from Crossens.
No one building has got what it takes to show Southport in any real
light"... Linzi from Ainsdale.
"Bliss"... Jo from Liverpool.
Traumatizer"... Tom from Ormskirk.
"The best building that says Southport is the Wayfarers Arcade, Mark Lowe"... from Southport.
Keep your ideas emailing in to:-
Advanced notice from HM Coastguard to the
JUST a date for your diary... Don't for get to pop into see us on Saturday 3 September 2005 at:-
HM Coastguard
MRSC Liverpool
Hall Road West
L23 8SY
We are holding our Annual Public Open Day, with lots of rescue team displays and guided tours of the Rescue Centre all day long.-----And lots, lots more !!!... Lots more information to come, so stay logged on to this site for more information and details.
All are WELCOME!
We open the doors from 10am till 16:00hrs... Don't Be Late!
AN Internet currency exchange company
that ripped-off its customers have been wound-up following a DTI
investigation. Cheaper Currencies.Com Limited (CCC Ltd) offered
cheap currency exchange claiming that its rates beat high street
outlets such as banks and travel agents. The company also offered
contracts for customers wishing to make large transactions, such as
property purchases and car imports. They claimed they could give
preferential rates targeted to the customers' needs.
The firm did not co-operate with the
investigation and failed to produce the company's financial and
other records. This did not stop DTI investigators uncovering
sufficient information to show that the company was cheating its
customers and that large sums of money could not be accounted for.
In one transaction involving the exchange of £105,000 the company
issued a cheque to the client that bounced and subsequently failed
to repay the client's money. Investigators found that some customers
had lost over £226,000 between them.
From the few records that the DTI obtained it
was evident that money was being withdrawn from the company's
account in cash that has not been accounted for and some was
transferred to bookmakers' accounts, for which no explanation has
been offered.
In its brochure, aimed at property clients,
CheaperCurrencies claimed to have been formed by a team of foreign
exchange specialists whose joint expertise covered some 50 years in
the foreign exchange markets. Companies Investigation Branch found
that this claim was untrue.
Chris & Kaz Get Wed...
THIS week we have to say to Chris and Kaz congratulations from all your family and
freinds. We also have to add a very big well done from all the staff at Roberta Lees,
Southport and at PCBT Photography!

CONSULTATION is getting underway on
major changes, which will improve day services for older and
disabled people in Liverpool. At the moment, Liverpool's 15-day
centres are only open during normal working hours from Monday to
Friday, and are not spread evenly around the city. Some of the 1,200
people who use the service face a long journey to a centre from
their home, with many pick-ups along the route.
The number of people attending each centre has
been falling steadily in recent years, and some buildings are
unsuitable for people with complex needs.
The overhaul of the day care system is
designed to make the service far more flexible, so that people are
able to access services from early in the morning until late at
night in their own community. The new service will see the creation
of community based outreach teams across the city who will make it
quicker and easier for older and disabled people to access social
care, health, learning, employment opportunities and other services
close to where they live.
Councillor Flo Clucas, executive member for
social care, said:- "Research has shown that people want
more of a say over the services they receive, together with quality
support to help them live within their own community. It could mean
for example that older people get involved in sessions which enable
them to meet and chat with those of a similar age, while younger
people could get involved in social activities, or become part of an
arts or drama group. The current day care system has been in
operation for many years and does not meet the aspirations that the
government has for this type of service."
There will be opportunities for all of the
existing 279 staff within the new service structure, and a more
consistent and transparent wage structure is being devised, in
consultation with trade unions. A series of roadshows for users,
carers, staff and disabled groups are taking place across the city
this month to explain more about the proposals. Firm proposals will
be drawn up following feedback and will go before the city council's
Executive Board in late summer.