Careless dog owners pay the price or lose their pets
HIGH numbers of stray dogs are causing concern for the Council after more than 450 strays were collected last year alone. Worrying figures reported by the Council's Dog Warden Service show that between 2004 and 2005 some 651 service requests for lost and stray dogs were made by the public in Warrington,
including 196 reports of lost dogs and 455 dogs collected as strays.
Concerned at the rising number of stray dogs, the Council this year increased the penalty for recovering stray dogs from Council kennels to £50 for those dogs collected by their owners within the first 3 days, and £75 for those collected between 4 and 7 days. The fee is higher where dogs have needed treatment by a vet. Charges in nearby authorities vary from £40 up to £127 plus any vets fees.
After 7 days the dogs legally become the property of the Council and are moved on to new owners either directly or through a number of charity dog rescue organisations.
Stray dogs can have serious consequences for public health. For example, they can cause road accidents, be responsible for biting or intimidating other animals and the public, especially children, and indiscriminate dog fouling is a source of disease especially for the very young.
Cllr Pat Wright, Executive Member for Community, said:- "We recognise that dogs are important companions in a home and that the vast majority of dog owners are responsible, but we must ensure that public health is protected and that dog owners take their responsibilities seriously. "
Phil Woods the Council's Environmental Health Manager, added:- "We aim to protect public health and send a strong message to the minority of dog owners who are careless or irresponsible about their dog. Such anti-social behaviour cannot and will not be
Facts and tips for responsible dog ownership:-
* There are thought to be 25,000 dogs in Warrington and over 6.1 million in the UK
* Have an ID collar on your dog or an implanted ID chip. A collar is required under the Control of Dogs Order 1992
* Keep your home and garden secure if your dog is around with closed gates and no fence gaps
* Reduce the number of unwanted dogs and consider having your dog neutered, contact your vet or Environmental Health (01925 442599) or the
local Dogs Trust (0151 480 0660 / website:- for further information
* Carry a poop scoop or other container when walking your dog in public places and dispose of dog waste appropriately
and Fetish Wear In Havana!

SOUTHPORT official Number
One Night Spot, Hovana, continued it themed nights on
23 July with a Rubber, Fetish and PVC night. The night was
well attended mainly by the ladies who came out enforce, but the
lads, not only got a treat to seeing a mass of female punters
dressed up, but also the female bar staff and that was only the
start... some of the lads joined in, but not only a few.
This was a shame as the ladies had put in so much effort into their
costumes.. Well even though the lads where lacking in
the costume department, the lasses till had a
ball... The lads also got yet another treat, as
stunning young dancers and singers took to the floor... We can only
let the pictures tell some of the story, as words will not describe
the atmosphere, that was oozing out fun and entertainment.
If you are in town over the next few
weeks, please keep a look out for our TV crews, who are filming a
promotional film about the Southport Nightlife.

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