Neutering your pet has many health benefits says PDSA
a pet neutered could help to save its life and is an important part of responsible pet care says PDSA, the UK's leading veterinary charity. As well as helping to reduce the problem of stray and abandoned pets and unwanted pregnancies, neutering has many other health benefits such as preventing the occurrence of potentially life threatening diseases such as an infection of the uterus in female dogs.
The charity for pets in need of vets has launched a neutering advice leaflet to encourage pet owners to consider the benefits of getting their pet neutered, and is urging pet owners to pick up a copy from PDSA PetAid hospitals and shops nationwide.
PDSA Senior Veterinary Surgeon, Elaine Pendlebury, comments:- "Neutering can be performed on many different types of pets, but it is a particularly important consideration for cats, dogs and rabbits. Neutering is a vital part of responsible pet care and is something that pet owners should discuss with their vet as soon as possible, as it can often lengthen the life span of pets and increase their quality of life."
Neutering the facts:-
Cats... In female cats neutering (spaying) involves the removal of the ovaries and the uterus so that they cannot conceive offspring. It also means that in later life they will not develop cancer of the ovaries or infections of the uterus.
In male cats, an additional benefit of neutering (castration) is that it helps to stop the spread of disease. This is because neutered male cats are less likely to get into fights and are therefore less likely to get bitten and infected with diseases such as Leukaemia Virus (FeLV) and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV), which are spread through the saliva of other infected cats. Another advantage is that the majority of castrated cats do not spray inside or outside the home, and are less likely to roam. They will also not develop tumours of the testicles.
Dogs... In female dogs the main reason for neutering bitches is to stop them having puppies, and so help reduce the number stray and unwanted puppies. In neutered female dogs, there is a decreased incidence of mammary (breast) tumours and problems associated with false pregnancies, such as milk production, depression and lack of appetite. A spayed dog won't develop diseases of the uterus and ovaries.
In male dogs, not only does neutering (castration) prevent the production of unwanted puppies, but it may reduce hormone-induced rovings, sexual urges and aggression and will prevent testicular cancer.
The Neutering leaflet from PDSA, forms part of a range of Responsible Pet Care leaflets from PDSA. The leaflets which include topics such as Diet and Nutrition, Dental Care and Dog Training are available from PDSA PetAid hospitals and PDSA charity shops nationwide.
Further information can be obtained from
city centre living under the spotlight
city centre residents are taking part in a major new research project for the Centre for Cities examining the growth of city-centre living. Through a series of focus groups and other methods, it is asking why people choose to live in the city centre, what they like and dislike about it, and how long they intend to stay there. There are at least 13,500 people living in Liverpool city centre and the city centre population could rise to around 20,000 by 2010. The Centre for Cities' early findings show that:-
* Students are the biggest single group, followed by young professionals, frontline service workers, and low-income young people and older couples.
* There are very few families or people over 40, and not many owner-occupiers.
* The city is working to put the necessary public and private services in place, to support the growing city-centre population.
* People come to the city centre for buzz and convenience, but not all plan to stay long.
* City-centre living has the potential to help wider regeneration in the city's Housing Market Renewal areas, especially around Princes Park, Picton and Wavertree.
City People is looking at the size and shape of city-centre living in Liverpool, Manchester and Dundee. The final report will be published in December.
Max Nathan, Centre for Cities, said:- "There's a lot of hype about city-centre living, but we know relatively little about it. Talking to Liverpool's residents has helped us find out what's really going on. Our report will help Liverpool plan for the future."
Mike Storey, Liverpool City Council leader, said:- "I am pleased that Liverpool has been chosen for this piece of useful and valuable work. The city has changed beyond recognition in recent years and regeneration has been aided by the increase in flats and apartments, making it a much more vibrant place to live and work."
Jim Gill, Chief Executive of Liverpool Vision, said:- "We have seen considerable growth in the City Centre population over the last 10 years. This research will be instructive in understanding the issues and challenges in sustaining a vibrant population. "
The Centre for Cities is working closely with Liverpool City Council and Liverpool Vision on this project. Other key stakeholders include City Growth Liverpool, New Heartlands Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder, KMC Residential and City Residential.
