Search For A Star 2005 Heat 1

YES it is back
again for another year, the longest running talent competition held
it's first heat for this year British Resorts, Search For A Star
2005. Like normal it was held again at the Southport Art's Centre in
Southport on the 18 August 2005. The acts on the opening night of
the three North West Heats where all fantastic and put on a stunning
show. The opening act was by the rising star, a young lad, who was
to young to compete in the competition called Jordon Cunningham. He
put on a performance that shows he has what it takes to be a really
big star in the future. This weeks guest act was Ken Nicholson, who
finished the night's acts off as the judges debated the results. The
results where in the end neck and neck and it was only a few points
between them all that separated the winning three and they are as

In 1st place was
Christina Malley
In 2nd place was Katy Dowd
In 3rd place was Chantal Dalrymple

The other competitors on the night where Bob Carney, Graham address,
Laura Joy, Michelle Taylor, Rachel Jones, Sarah Mc'Cauley and Jodie
Barccha. Well done to you all.


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Next Heat will be held at Southport Arts Centre on 25 August 2005 at