Calling All Budding Artists
the Cheshire-based hearing instrument manufacturer is inviting
budding young artists to show off their talent in a national
calendar design competition.
Phonak is looking for design entries from 5 to 16 years old with
hearing difficulties based on the theme 'What I want to be when I
grow up' for it's 2006 calendar. Last year the annual competition
attracted over 500 entries, with twelve winners having their artwork
published on the 2005 calendar. The potential Picasso's will also
receive £50 worth of vouchers of their choice and their school will
be given £50 of Forest Book shop vouchers.
Jan Metzdorff, Managing Director of Phonak UK explains:- "This
is a great opportunity to celebrate the artistic achievements of
children. It gives them a chance to express themselves and to have
their talent acknowledged by having it published on the calendar.
It's also great for our customers and associates as they receive
colourful and professional illustrations to brighten up the office -
we've even had requests for extra copies so staff can take them
Entries can be either drawings or paintings but must be no larger
than A3 and each one must be accompanied by an entry form. These are
available from Nicki or Mike on 0800 9800747.
The closing date for entries is 30th September 2005 and everyone
submitting a design will receive a small gift from Phonak. Please
send entries to Phonak UK, Cygnet Court, Lakeside, Warrington,
Cheshire, WA1 1PP clearly marked 'Calendar Competition'.

£4.7 million boost for Aintree Racecourse and Equestrian Centre
A major scheme
that is set to transform Aintree Racecourse was today strengthened
by the announcement of a £4.7 million contribution from the
Northwest Regional Development Agency (NWDA). The £35 million
scheme, which culminates in an equestrian centre of international
standards, a parade ring and two new grandstands, is the first major
redevelopment of the course for over 100 years.
The development of Aintree International Equestrian Centre will
provide a unique facility, combining a subsidised riding school for
local communities with an international standard show centre that is
expected to attract major equestrian competitions and events. The
parade ring, Winner’s and Unsaddling Enclosure, will be relocated to
ensure the theatrical part of race day activity enjoys a more
central location and will include a new Weighing Room and Stable
complex. The 2 new permanent grandstands will replace and enhance
the temporary facilities currently used during the John Smith’s
Grand National - one of the regions major tourist attractions.
Overall, the improved facilities and new equestrian centre are
expected to attract an additional 11,200 visitors to the region
every year contributing to an increase of £1.2 million in annual
tourist spend, which will provide a significant boost to the tourism
Steven Broomhead, NWDA Chief Executive, said:- “Aintree
Racecourse is one of the Northwest’s major tourism assets,
attracting 200,000 visitors to the region every year. The new
facilities will significantly improve the race goers’ experience,
enhancing the existing tourism offer. The new international
equestrian centre is particularly exciting, as no other such venue
exists in the North of England. This new facility is set to attract
international events and will make a significant contribution to the
regional economy.”
Charles Barnett, Aintree Racecourse Managing Director, said:-
“The John Smith's Grand National is broadcast to over 600 million
people worldwide and is an ideal platform on which to showcase
Aintree and England’s Northwest to the rest of the world. We believe
this new development will provide some of the best racecourse
facilities in the world, encompassing the fantastic opportunities
that lie ahead for the Northwest region. In addition to the new
Grandstand and Weighing Room Complex, the unique equestrian centre
will provide a platform for Aintree to develop other world-class
equestrian events.”