Incapacity benefit numbers boosted by job shortages in Merseyside
Merseyside have some of the highest percentages of working age
people claiming incapacity benefit in the UK, according to a new
report. Liverpool, St. Helen’s and Knowsley all have high numbers of
people claiming incapacity benefit according to the report,
published by Catalyst. The report also argues that Government
efforts to decrease this number by reforming incapacity benefits are
likely to have little impact unless new jobs are created in the
15.7% of the working age population in Knowlsey is claiming
incapacity benefit, which is 5th highest in the UK. LiverpooI is 7th
highest with 15.4% and St. Helen’s is 16th with 12.7%. This compares
to Hart in Hampshire, where just 1.8% of the working age population
is claiming incapacity benefit.
The authors of the report, Professor Steve Fothergill of Sheffield
Hallam University’s Centre for Economic and Social Research and
Cambridge University’s John Grieve, claim that these high numbers
are due to a failure to reverse the decline of the UK’s
manufacturing regions, such as these parts of Scotland, where there
is still a serious shortage of jobs. Government plans to restrict
benefits and require claimants to attend work-related interviews are
expected to cause controversy and possible backbench rebellions in
the new parliamentary session.
The report, Mobilising Britain’s Missing Workforce:- Unemployment,
incapacity benefit and the regions, says that the problems of
incapacity benefit claims and regional regeneration are “two
sides of the same coin”.
The report shows that “hidden unemployment” in
disadvantaged areas accounts for around 1.1 million incapacity
benefit recipients, that’s around 4 in 10 of all claims, who would
be in paid work if full employment truly existed in across the
country. The report is critical of the government’s reliance on
“supply side” labour market measures and devolution to
Regional Development Agencies, arguing that these deep imbalances
can only be addressed by proactive policies that channel investment
to disadvantaged regions. It warns that the problem may be
exacerbated by new EU rules that will reduce European funds
available to UK regions at the same time as restricting the
government’s own investment incentives.
In response the authors outline a “7-point strategy”
for “mobilising Britain’s missing workforce”, making
full use of the available resources and options and targeting them
to maximise benefits to areas of low employment. John Grieve Smith,
report co-author, said:- “The problem of regional unemployment
will not be solved by giving Regional Development Agencies their
heads and leaving them to get on with it. This may merely widen
present disparities. The government must adopt a policy of
discriminating more actively in favour of the weaker areas, both in
giving incentives, and in public expenditure on infrastructure and
the location of public sector institutions.”
Seeks To Bring Young and Old Together. Employees at Co-op Travel in
Liverpool are calling on young and old to help build bridges within
the community. Co-op Travel plans to launch its ‘Bridging The Age
Gap’ project in September and is keen to hear from schools and
community groups interested in taking part.
The campaign seeks to help young and old to better understand each
other through initiatives designed to promote awareness of each
other’s experiences and attitudes. Co-op Travel hopes that the
initiative will promote greater community spirit and help youngsters
understand more about local history and what factors have influenced
Liverpool as it is today.
“We’ve created an educational pack full of ideas on how children can
explore the past by talking to older members of the community.
The pack is ideal
for schools, especially key stages 2 and 3, and we’re keen to hear
from any community groups - young and old - who would be interested
in lending their support. As a community retailer with strong ties
in Liverpool, Co-op Travel is keen to support ideas that will
promote understanding and co-operation within the town. We believe
there are valuable lessons that both age groups can learn by coming
together to share experiences.” explains Sue Jones,
regional manager of Co-op Travel in Liverpool.
The pack contains ideas for how youngsters can learn valuable
lessons from Liverpool’s past. For example, the campaign looks at
ways to tackle obesity in children by learning from the diets and
leisure pursuits that older members of the community remember from
their youth.
To register their interest community groups can contact Katherine
Busby on 0161 60 60 274 or email:-
A GIANT banana
will be touring the North West in an eye-catching bid to encourage
local people to play their part in shaping the National Health
The bright yellow fruit, together with an indian head massager, face
painter and blood pressures nurses, are aimed to highlight the
message that local people can make a difference to their community.
You can find us at:-
Monday 19 September:- Arndale Shopping Centre, Manchester
Tuesday 20 September:- Salford Shopping City, Salford
Wednesday 21 September:- St Georges Shopping Centre, Preston
Thursday 22 September:- The Lanes Shopping Centre, Carlisle
Friday 23 September:- St John’s Shopping Centre, Liverpool
We’ll also be at Mersey Way Shopping Centre, Stockport all week too!
There will be fun activities, giveaways, and also a fantastic prize
draw which includes DVD players and free leisure passes. These
efforts are part of a week long ‘Shaping Health’ campaign that sees
over 800 volunteers taking to the streets and showcasing their work.
Each NHS trust and primary care trust in England has a Patient and
Public Involvement (PPI) Forum. Local residents can join these PPI
Forums to have their say on decisions about health and health
services. They are made up of local people, watching over the
quality of healthcare and shaping decisions which impact on the
local community.
The Commission for Patient and Public Involvement, which has
responsibility for ensuring the NHS takes proper account of the
views of patients and the public, is now recruiting more volunteers
to join their local PPI Forums.
To find out more, call 0845 120 7111 or log on to for an
application pack. |