AN innovative
project recording the memoirs of deaf people who lived during WWII
and an extensive educational program including a stage production
and exhibition will prove enduring reminders of the efforts of those
who served on the home front in the North West during WWII. Both
initiatives will be funded through the £22.3 million Home Front
Recall program that is making its final awards in the region today.
The scheme, a joint initiative of the Big Lottery Fund and the
Heritage Lottery Fund, supports activities commemorating the efforts
of those on the home front during the war, including fire fighters,
auxiliary services, nurses, Bevin Boys and dock workers. Today's
awards bring the total number of projects funded in the North West
to 358, with £1,801,288 in Lottery grants now distributed to groups
across the region. The Home Front Recall scheme is now closed for
applications, however funded events and projects will continue until
the end of the year.
The British Deaf Association will use an award of £19,000 to produce
a record of wartime experiences of deaf people in the North of
England. Using British Sign Language (BSL), the first and preferred
language of 70,000 deaf people and their families in the UK, the
memoirs will be recorded on video.
British Deaf Association, Director for the North, Emma Coleman
said:- "Deaf people who have recollections of living during
the war will be invited to attend the video diary sessions where
using BSL their memories will be recorded for use in an exhibition
of Deaf wartime experiences. The video diaries will then be used to
create edited videos and/or DVDs in sign language for use in future
research and by future generations.
Our project will be based on innovative work conducted in Derbyshire
last year. We wanted to duplicate it here in the North West of
England. It's so important this history is preserved."
A £20,000 Home Front Recall grant will fund an exciting educational
project at New Heys Community School in south Liverpool. Students
from New Heys and partner Primary and Secondary schools in Garston
will learn all about WWII history and the efforts of those who
worked on the Home Front in their local area. The project will
include a wide range of activities including a visual exhibition,
the students and community will research and collate, and a stage
production. They will also help plan and host a VE-style 'street
party' for the community.
Headteacher, Ann Stahler said:- "We are very excited about the
project and our students and the wider community will benefit from
this grant. It's a win-win situation. We have the opportunity to
record and preserve our unique local war history and in the process
our students can learn from the past, grow from their interaction
with the elderly and better relate to their local environment. The
project will also leave a very valuable legacy for future
This is about our older residents passing on memories of what it was
like to live in the area during the war to the next generation. It's
of utmost importance that we learn about this history before its
lost forever and make certain the project creates valuable resources
to create a permanent archive for the Garston community.”
“It's encouraging to think that the millions of pounds the Big
Lottery Fund has invested in the Home Front Recall scheme has not
only provided some amazing one-off events but has also funded
lasting exhibitions and historical projects. This important war
history can now be saved for posterity and a new generation will
have an appreciation of the local history of their area and of
course the sacrifices so many made during the war." said Big
Lottery Fund Head of North West Michelle McNamee.
"The debt we owe to those who participated in the Second World War
effort is immense and one that must never be forgotten. Supporting
this tremendous programme is a great use of Heritage Lottery Fund
cash, particularly as this year marks the 60th anniversary of the
end of World War II. It will preserve and honour the memories and
bravery of countless men and women from the North West ensuring that
their sacrifice is remembered by future generations." Added
Tony Jones, Heritage Lottery Fund Regional Manager for the North
THE recipe
designed by a local gentleman from Crosby has been selected from
hundreds of entrants to make it through to the regional finals of a
nationwide competition by Brewers Fayre to find a new regional dish
to appear on a future Brewers Fayre menu.
Reginald (Reg) Gray, 54, from Crosby, is one of 3 regional finalists
representing the North West in Brewers Fayre’s Design a Dish
competition. His entered recipe of Sage and Onion Crispy Cod Bake is
a dish that Reg happened upon by chance and has since become a firm
favourite. Reg decided to enter the competition when he visited the
Pheasant Inn Brewers Fayre restaurant, on Moss Lane in Hightown,
with his friend and saw that the pub restaurant group was searching
for a new regional dish, as part of their campaign to rediscover
some of the best British pub dishes. Brewers Fayre had appealed for
people from across the UK to design a dish that best represented our
British culinary heritage and send in examples of their families
favourites, recipes handed down from generation to generation or
perhaps even a long lost local recipe that they felt was worthy of
being revived, in the hope it will become the next British classic.
Reg comments:- “I was so surprised when I received a call to
say I was through to the regional finals, as I never dreamt my
recipe would be in with a chance of winning. I came across the dish
purely by chance as I had some home-made stuffing left over from a
chicken dish. The next evening I was having cod for dinner and
decided to use the stuffing with it, which tasted great! It’s been
great to get this far in the Design a Dish competition and I’ve got
my fingers crossed I make it to the national final.”
Gordon Wright, Brewers
Fayre’s Food Marketing Manager, says:- “The response to our
Design a Dish competition has been fantastic, with dishes entered
from people of all ages and ranging from the traditional to the
strange! Everyone made such an effort with their entries, many
including photos of their dishes with their recipe suggestions,
details of the great stories behind them and even menu designs.
Brewers Fayre is proud to serve Britain’s best loved pub dishes and
champion the best of British regional dishes and cooking styles,
keeping traditions alive with the revival of British classics.”
Reg will be informed within in the next few weeks if his dish has
been chosen as the regional winner. If chosen, Reg will win £250 and
go on to represent the North West at the national final, to be held
at Brewers Fayre’s development kitchens at the end of September.
Qualified chefs will reproduce the seven winning regional dishes,
from Scotland, Wales, North West, North East, South West, South East
and the Midlands and the overall winner will be chosen by national
food journalists, Brewers Fayre’s Food Marketing Manager Gordon
Wright and Brewers Fayre’s Development Chef Simon Blunt. The
national Design a Dish winner will be awarded £1,000 and see their
dish developed to appear on a future Brewers Fayre menu.
unique outdoor theatrical event brings a derelict street in Anfield
back to life
THE Harmony Suite
is a large-scale documentary theatre production by Collective
Encounters, exploring challenging themes of urban renewal and
regeneration. With an ensemble cast of 17 actors, The Harmony Suite
brings performance, music and multimedia spectacle to the
largely-derelict Tinsley Street, animating a row of terraced houses
in the shadow of the Liverpool football ground.
Many parts of north Liverpool have suffered some of the worst
deprivation ever seen in post-war Britain. The Harmony Suite
dramatises contemporary regeneration policies in this context, and
articulates local residents’ hopes and anxieties about the future.
The play is based on 12 months research with over 500 local
residents, policy makers and politicians. “The community
activists I had spoken to had made the argument that city centre
regeneration would have little or no impact on their desiccated
inner city communities. I’d been wandering the maze too long. What I
need is someone to spell it all out for me. The bigger picture.”
The Researcher
The Harmony Suite has been scripted by Nicholas Kelly, who is an
award-winning playwright, originally from Dublin. His plays have
been produced by Fishamble Theatre Company, TEAM Theatre Company,
the Abbey Theatre, and the Royal Court, London.
Collective Encounters is north Liverpool's only professional arts
development agency. Formed in 2004, the company works outside of
theatre buildings, exploring subject matter that rarely reaches the
stage. The play is directed by Artistic Director Sarah Thornton.
This production is supported by Capital of Culture, Arts Council of
England, Arena Housing, PH Holt Charitable Trust, Awards for All and
receives significant in kind support from Liverpool Hope University.
It's not too
late to get pedalling for Breast Cancer Campaign!
Campaign's (BCC) annual Life Cycle challenge is taking place all
over the country this October. If you haven't signed up yet, you
still have time to join Chris Boardman, Olympic cycling champion and
Footballers Wives star Chucky Venice to get fit during Breast Cancer
Awareness Month.
You can choose your distance, either 50km over the month, 40km in 24
hours or a challenge distance of your choice and get pedalling. Some
suggested distances are: Cycle the length of the River Thames 215
miles (344km), Cycle the length of Hadrian's Wall 73 miles
(116.8km), Cycle from Holyhead to Cardiff 250 miles (400km). The
choice is yours.
Chucky Venice says:- "This is so easy to do and it helps you
keep fit. So come on get on your bike and pedal pounds to help raise
vital funds to help Breast Cancer Campaign keep researching the
To get your Life Cycle fundraising pack or for more information
contact the events team on 020 7749 3700 or email:-

IT'S time to join
forces and laugh away those everyday body blues. From tree trunk
thighs to bingo wings we’ve all got a part of our body we think is
less than perfect. To celebrate women’s bodies in all their glory,
Dove Body Wash brings you an all female, star-studded stand up show,
which lays bare the naked truth about what it’s really like to be a
woman, the perfect antidote to those little body niggles!
Fronted by Arabella Weir, from TV’s award-winning The Fast Show, The
Dove Body Wash Naked Truth Comedy Tour is essential female viewing.
The must-see line up features some of Britain’s brightest women’s
comic talent, including:- Lucy Porter, Julia Morris, Kerry Godliman,
Zoë Lyons and Janice Connolly aka Mrs Barbara Nice.
Host Arabella Weir said:- “I’ve made a career out of poking
fun at my body insecurities because I think the best way to deal
with these type of worries is to laugh them off; that’s really why I
was so keen to be part of the Dove Body Wash Naked Truth tour. The
ability to share our little body niggles really unites women, as I
saw from the overwhelming response to the ‘Does my bum look big in
this?’ Fast Show character I created. and I’m sure this tour will do
wonders for the self esteem of audience and comediennes alike.”
Caroline Philliponnet, Dove Body Wash Brand Manager said:-
“Our research has highlighted the pressure women feel under to
strive to attain the images of perfection portrayed by the media.
This is especially marked when we are confronted with the naked
truth about our bodies - the bits we don’t like that don’t meet the
supermodel ideal. Laughing about our little imperfections, be it our
pot bellies or love handles, enables us to adopt a more positive,
body image so maybe laughter really is the best medicine."
This week we have 2 pairs tickets, worth £12.00 each ticket to give
away. The tickets are for the 22 September, at Baby Blue, Edward
Parvilion, Albert Dock, Liverpool. Doors open at 7:00pm and show
starts at 7:45pm. The deadline for entries is Thursday 20 September
at 4pm. Send us your full address, name and phone number with your
answer to this simple question... "Who the host is for the event?"
All entries must be by persons over the age of 18 years old. Edward
Pavilion reserves the right not to give entree.
Comp Email.
The tour begins on 12 September 2005 at the Comedy Store in London
and will be showing for one night only at ten venues across the UK.
Tickets are available via the purchase of special packs of Dove Body
Wash, on sale in health and beauty retailers and supermarkets from
the beginning of July 2005. A limited number of tickets will also be
made available via competitions in print and broadcast, via the
individual venue box offices and at the door on the night.
Tour Dates:-
Monday 12 September – London – The Comedy Store
Tuesday 13 September –
Glasgow – The Stand
Wednesday 14 September –
Newcastle – The Hyena
Wednesday 21 September –
Birmingham – The Glee Club
Thursday 22 September
– Liverpool – Baby Blue
Monday 26 September –
Bournemouth – Twisters
Tuesday 27 September –
Bristol – Jesters
Wednesday 28 September –
Cardiff - The Glee Club
Thursday 29 September -
Brighton - Komedia
Tuesday 11 October –
Manchester – The Comedy Store
For further information on dates and tickets log on to:-