Review by Dionne Ankrah
Dove Body Wash Naked Truth Comedy Tour is an all
female star-studded stand up show hosted by Arabella Weir. It tells
the real truth of what it’s really like to be a woman, it also
features Kerry Godliman, Mrs Barbara Nice (aka Janice Connolly),
Julia Morris, Zoe Lyons and Lucy Porter. I urge any woman or man who
manages to get a ticket to go and see it, but be warned men, if you
go you are asking for it as I guarantee any man who chooses to go
will be a target for everyone to have a laugh at your expense, so be
Even if you don’t think it is you’re thing, you will come away with
a smile on your face, and even a few days later you will chuckle
away to yourself. On the night I went to watch it at the Baby Blue
in the Albert Dock, Kerry Godliman, Mrs Barbara Nice and Julia
Morris were on and all three were sensationally funny, but I’ve got
to say that the funniest and my favourite of the show has to be Mrs
Barbara Nice. All I can say about Mrs Barbara nice is she is mad,
mad, mad and was good interacting with the audience and involving
them into the act.
So all them body self conscious women out there get a ticket, and I
assure you after watching this all them little imperfections will be
laughed away, and you will be proud of your body whatever shape or
size you are.
Our verdict:- five out
of five!

community group in national exhibition Self-portraits, produced in
workshops held at National Museums Liverpool have been selected for
display at the National Portrait Gallery, London. The self-portraits
will be included in the exhibition, Look at Me, running until 19
March 2006.
Working in partnership with the National Portrait Gallery and
various galleries and charities around Britain, National Museums
Liverpool commissioned local community group Sola Arts to run a
series of workshops at World Museum Liverpool and the Walker Art
Gallery. They worked alongside professional artists who gave advise
on portrait drawing, and used the some of the paintings from the
collections at the Walker as inspiration.
The six-month long project was aimed specifically at groups like the
homeless, asylum-seekers and those with mental health issues to help
them engage with the arts by creating their own self-portraits. In
turn, the work produced offers an insight in to the diversity of
people living in Britain today.
The work of one of the participants, Raymond Matisko, was of such a
high standard that the National Portrait Gallery used his portrait
to front the advertising campaign for the exhibition.
Raymond, 23, a first year student at Manchester Metropolitan
University, came to Liverpool from war-torn Uganda three-and-a-half
years ago as refugee, after his family abandoned him as a child.
Alone and neglected in a strange country, he almost turned to
suicide. However, he used this adversity as his inspiration.
“I used colours to represent different things I have experienced.
The blue represents all of the difficulties and bad times that I
have been through in the past, and the red in my eyes shows the
terrible things that I have seen during the civil war in Uganda...."
"...But, the yellow is
positive and represents all my hopes and aspirations for the future,
like completing my business and economics degree and getting a
fulfilling job at the end of it.” says Raymond.
Look At Me is part of a three-year community exhibition programme at
the National Portrait Gallery called Reaching Out, Drawing In and is
supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund.
Sola Arts work specifically with asylum seekers and ethnic
minorities in order to promote social integration in communities via
arts and heritage projects.

Letters to editor:- “Sefton Council.”
“WELL it would
seem that now that the vote against handing over tenants rights to a
housing association has gone ahead and been rejected by Sefton
council tenants. Sefton Council are now with-holding funds that were
announced as available only last year to upgrade homes in Rose
Crescent, Woodvale, Ainsdale. This is what happens when tenants
refuse to be forced into an agreement which Sefton Council wants
them to take. Now it is a case of
“you won’t do what we want” so now
you pay the price.
What are councillors paid for, what do people of the borough get
from these invisible people who pay themselves such wonderful wages
and expenses? They certainly earn more in expenses alone than the
average earner here in Sefton receives in any pay packet over twelve
months that is for sure. The people of Sefton have said “no”
and that is the end of that, remarks made recently from the Chief
Execs office with regards to missing out on something great, is an
opinion that the people in Sefton do not agree with for one moment.
These people should remember who pays their salaries and who pays
their over inflated pensions for them. I would say this to all
Sefton Councillors, the people here have spoken they don’t want
private housing associations running their property and collecting
rents they wish their local authority to continue with this task.
They don’t want an organisation to hold down prices for a short
period then put rents up to extortionate values which are supposed
to reflect market rents. The fair rents officer should be returned
and extortionate rents abolished and landlords imprisoned for them.
We see people especially from the South of the country where they
are all high earners purchasing properties here in the North West on
second mortgagees and then renting them out at high rents. Not many
folk around here can earn the amount of money required to take out a
first mortgage never mind second mortgage.
Councillors do your jobs and represent the folk here and force the
offices responsible to carry out the improvements and any one who
disobeys, sack them immediately. Enough is enough, Sefton Council
have ripped of the people from Southport for long enough, we are not
allowed to use any of the car parks around our beaches without
paying, can’t park on our beach. Go to Hall road or Waterloo and
Seaforth, where there are free car parks right in front of the beach
for the people of the area. Not here in Southport we pay and display
where ever we want to park or beware of the traffic warden just
waiting to pounce.”
Gordon, full email address etc.
