new research that redefines the rules of attraction. A major study
has found that ‘gentlemen no longer prefer blondes’ and that the
ideal partner is a brunette – the colour that apparently now defines
an intelligent, sophisticated and strong willed woman. More than 51%
of men, spoken to as part of the nationwide study, proved that
they’re rebelling against their own stereotypical behaviour by
voting brunettes No 1. Unfortunately for Colleen McLouglin and other
fun-loving Liverpudlian blondes, a staggering 52% of men from
Liverpool and the North West, also favour brunettes. This was also
reflected in the fact that 30% of Liverpudlians voted Catherine
Zeta-Jones as the most glamorous and attractive celebrity.
Working alongside City University, London, the report commissioned
by hair care expert Sunsilk is the widest reaching research into the
correlation between men, hair colour and the intensity of
Professor Peter Ayton who conducted the Sunsilk /City University
study comments:- “What we’re seeing might be down to history
and our ancestors, where blonde hair was seen as a symbol of youth.
However, as the role of women has evolved, men’s expectations of
women have changed. They’re looking for more intense, equal
partnerships, and appearance has a large role to play. It’s even
possible that certain hair colours can indicate wealth and
The National Picture
· Londoners definitely prefer brunettes – 59% of Cockneys gave them
the thumbs up as the most attractive ladies
· Geordies and the men
of the North East are the highest supporters of redheads – 22%
prefer a flame haired girl
· The Welsh like a grey
lady! 13% of those in Wales think grey hair is the most attractive
hair colour
· Yorkshire men like
their women blonde – 40% picked blonde women as their preference.
· Southerners aren’t
alone in their appreciation of brunettes – 39% of Mancunians also
picked them as more attractive.
The Brunette Effect
· 81% nationwide think brunettes are intelligent
· 67% see them as
indepent and self sufficient
· 62% think they are
stable and competent
Blondes Have More Fun
· 59% of the nation think blondes are extrovert
· 63% think that they
are frily and approachable
· But 40% see blondes as
needy and lacking in indepence
Red Heads Keep It Lively
· 79% of men see red heads as intelligent
· 64% see them as
temperamental and fiery
· 45% see red heads as
Steve Kearns, Sunsilk brand manager, comments:- “We saw a big
rise in the number of women wanting products to help make the
most of their hair colour and wanted to investigate the
psychological reasons behind colour and the intensity of attraction.
We decided to
commission the first report of its kind into attraction psychology.
As a result, we have developed a Colour Collection range
specifically for the three types of hair – a three step process of
shampoo, conditioner and leave in cream, designed to maximise your
colour and therefore your lifestyle.”
Every child matters in Warrington
A NEW Children
and Young People's plan is being produced to help ensure that every
child matters in Warrington. The plan is being developed by the
Council together with a number of key partners, including Connexions
and the Halton and Warrington
Youth Offending Team and representatives met this week to discuss
the way forward. A series of consultation exercises will aim to find
out how the Directorate can work even more closely with its
partners, including health services, to ensure that
every child across the town is kept safe from harm, and achieves
their full potential as they enter adult life.
Staff will be asked to focus on how information can be shared most
effectively across different teams and how services for children
need to develop in order to ensure that all children are healthy,
stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution, and
achieve economic well being - making sure that every child matters
in Warrington. The consultation process
will continue in November with 5 events across the borough - to
include schools, parents, carers, Warrington Primary Care Trust,
voluntary organisations and other partners in helping to shape the
future of Warrington's services for children.
Cllr Colin Froggatt, Executive Board Member for Children's Services,
said:- "The Children Act 2004, and the accompanying guidance
contained in 'Every Child Matters Next Steps', represents the most
fundamental change in 30 years in the way Children's Services are
designed and delivered. This is an exciting time for the Council and
its Children's Services Directorate as we will be working with key
partners to bring about a change in culture and develop services,
including the Children and Young People's Plan, to help ensure that
every child does matter in Warrington."
Results of the consultations will feed into the Children's Plan for
Warrington, which will be available in draft form by January 2006.
celebrating Liverpool's Chinese heritage is to decorate the corner
of Seel Street and Slater Street. Chinese Reflection honours
Liverpool's Chinese community, the oldest in Europe and will
transform a derelict building which has blighted the area.
Liverpool City Council's Executive Member for Culture, Councillor
Warren Bradley, said:- "This is a showcase of many groups
working in partnership to turn dereliction into something
It will be unveiled in front of invited guests at 11am on Tuesday 25
Moira Kenny, the local artist who worked for three years to create
the striking piece, said:- "The work is a tribute to the many
industries and rich cultures that exist in Liverpool, providing a
visual history of part of the heritage in the city. This project
brought old and young members of the community together. The use of
art as a communicative tool helped overcome language barriers and
has been the main tool for recording and sharing personal
The colourful banner charts the story of the Chinese people's
journey to Liverpool and their settlement here, depicting fireworks,
the Blue Funnel Line, immigration documents, the Headmaster of the
Chinese school with his wife plus examples of Chinese commerce in
the city this week. Traders from Southern China first came to
Liverpool in the 1840s. Many of them settled in the city and formed
the thriving Chinatown we know this week. Chinese seamen who
originally sailed with the Blue Funnel Line have provided Moira with
information and the exquisite paintings of the Chinese Emperor that
are featured in the first panel of the banner.
The project is supported by the Liverpool Culture Company, plus the
Wah Sing Chinese Community Centre, Liverpool, Chinese Business
Association, Frenson, Liverpool City Council and the Liverpool
Echo's 'Stop the Rot' Campaign.
