health and safety bear, Buster, has celebrated his first birthday
and with it a year of highlighting to children the importance of
safety on construction sites.
Buster visits schools close to Redrow’s new home developments all
over the UK, which include ventures in Leigh, Widnes, Liverpool,
Hollins Green and Culcheth, to raise awareness among children of the
dangers of playing on building sites. Health and safety is a top
priority for Redrow and the award winning home builder is committed
to educating children about these
Bob Sayers, group health and safety director for Redrow, says:-
“Buster is a vital and hardworking member of our heath and safety
team. For the past year he has been spreading the important safety
message in schools with the support of the ‘Buster Rules OK!’
activity packs.”
As well as having fun with jokes, puzzles and activities, the pack
helps children learn an important message from their ‘building
buddy’, Buster, about the potential dangers on developments under
Bob adds:- “The children from ‘Busy Bees’ day nursery in St
David’s Park, Flintshire, joined us for Buster’s party and we
celebrated his birthday with a big cake. Buster is now looking
forward to another year of meeting children throughout England,
Scotland and Wales and reinforcing his safety message, in a fun and
informative way."
Buster is just one example of Redrow’s support and involvement with
young people. The home builder has extended its commitment to
education even further by launching the Redrow Learning Web, an
on-line resource which includes a teachers’ area to help plan
lessons and guide their pupils, meets with National Curriculum
requirements and has been accredited by the
National Grid for Learning.
The Learning Web is split into two modules – ‘The House Detectives’,
aimed at primary school children aged eight to 11, and ‘Plan It …
Build It’, which is targeted at secondary school pupils aged 12 – 16
as part of their citizenship studies.
‘The House Detectives’ enables children to compare and contrast
their own community with others around the UK, while ‘Plan It… Build
It’ challenges pupils to research, plan and ‘build’ a new
development taking into account a full range of issues such as
housing supply, planning policy, environmental concerns and
The Redrow Learning Web, including Buster the bear activity packs,
can be accessed at:-

YOUNG offenders
are telling top legal professionals how they think they should be
punished for their crimes. A ground-breaking project called It's Not
OK has helped young offenders discuss the issue of violence by
recording radio adverts which will be broadcast next year. Now one
young woman from the project, Sarah, will talk to senior legal
workers at Liverpool's High Sheriff's conference about how this
alternative has changed her life.
Sarah's self-confidence has risen massively now she has recorded her
story in advert format. She is also due to start a work placement
with a major media organisation as a direct result of taking part in
It's Not OK. She said:- "I hope that telling my story helps
other people. A few months ago if I was going out, I would be binge
drinking, but now I control how much I drink and the space of time I
do it in. I feel like I've achieved something by taking part in this
project, that no one else I know has done. I would like to do a
radio course to carry on with it."
The It's Not OK project is funded by the Liverpool Culture Company,
overseen by Creative Education Manager Gaynor Wright and delivered
by The Ariel Trust. Speakers at the High Sheriff's conference also
include Minister for Prisons and Probation at the Home Office, Paul
Goggins MP, and Anne Owers, Chief Inspector of Prisons.
Liverpool City Council Executive Member for Culture, Councillor
Warren Bradley, said:- "To have a young offender speaking to a
room full of people, who can actually make a difference to how the
system works, is an extremely logical way of getting meaningful
discussions going. It will be interesting to hear how opinions are
changed after this conference."
Creative Education Manager Gaynor Wright from the Liverpool Culture
Company is overseeing the project. She said:- "Sarah, Paul
Ainsworth from the Ariel Trust and I are all speaking to this
influential group of magistrates and judges, as well as legal
workers from prison and probation services. I hope that it will
really open up the debate about alternatives to things like prison."
Loading Times Revised
restrictions on loading and unloading are to be introduced in key
city centre streets to help traffic flow more smoothly at peak hours
during Liverpool's Big Dig. They will prohibit loading
and unloading between 8.00am and 10.00am and 16.00pm and 18.00pm
from Monday to Sunday on:-
Dale Street (full length)
Castle Street (full length of eastern side and small section
of west side near to junction with High Street))
James Street (full length)
London Road (full length)
Pembroke Place (full length)
The new restrictions will start from Saturday 15 October and will be
in force for 18 months. On the spot penalties will be imposed for
breaches of the restrictions. The current loading restrictions
on these routes operate between 8:30 to 09:30am and 16:30 to 18:00pm
from Monday to Sunday.
These routes have been targeted due to their high volume of both
vehicles and pedestrians each day and follow extensive consultation
with residents and businesses. The Chamber of Commerce has expressed
support for the new order.
"While the Big Dig is taking place there is inevitable disruption to
traffic as the major projects which are being built involve lane
closures and other highways disturbance," said Cllr Peter
Millea, Executive Member for Regeneration.
"We are looking at ways to reduce some of the problem both for
motorists and pedestrians and one way we can do this to stop people
from blocking our major roads during the rush hours. After we have
consulted widely with businesses and residents we believe that these
new restrictions are the best way to help the traffic flow. It could
be argued that we should have introduced these measures months ago
but we are trying to get a balance between the needs of shops and
other business, motorists, public transport and pedestrians and we
want to keep the restrictions to a minimum. We have looked at the
pattern of traffic during roadworks, seen where the real problems
are and only introduced extra restrictions where they are most
needed. I would hope shops and other businesses would cooperate by
arranging deliveries outside the peak periods wherever possible or
use side roads for loading. But those who insist on ignoring the
restrictions should be warned that we intend to enforce them
rigorously. However, I think most people will realise that the
regeneration works which are going on will transform the city and
any inconvenience is outweighed by the enormous benefits they will
bring and co-operate with the Order."