St Luke's Church
Flower Festival

Church, in Formby, Merseyside, is celebrating its 150th Anniversary,
and, as part of its celebrations, a Flower Festival was held on
Friday, Saturday and Sunday last week. The floral decorations
represented various aspects of the church's history and present life
and were sponsored by groups and individuals, many in memory of
loved ones. The displays, arranged by church members assisted by
others of the Formby and District Flower Club, were imaginative and
thought-provoking. They were admired by the many visitors, from near
and far, who chose to call.
Also greatly appreciated were the musical contributions by the
school choirs of Woodlands Primary, St Luke's Primary and Range High
Schools, all within the Parish of St Luke, on the Friday, and by the
Organist, David Holdroyd on Saturday. On show too were the new
tapestry kneelers, beautifully designed and produced by the diligent
members of the kneeler project. They also represent facets of the
church. They were dedicated during the morning service on the
In the Meeting Room, adjacent to the church was an interesting
display of well executed paintings, kindly provided by members of
the Association of Formby Artists, some of whom are church members.
Last, but certainly not least, were the welcome refreshments
provided by dedicated parishioners, all adding to the enjoyment of
the occasion.
The Festival, which was the result of much careful planning and hard
work, was a great success. The proceeds of a voluntary collection
are being shared between St Luke's and the Church of St Mark, Shyira,
Rwanda. Happily, the
Rev Emmanuel, Pastor of St Mark's and Archdeacon, who was
in Formby representing his Diocese at the St Luke's celebrations,
was able to see the Festival.
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