Roberta Lee's Show Bar... LADIES NIGHT!!!
held a ladies' night on Friday 28 October in aid of Queenscourt
Hospice. The night included cabaret from Roberta Lee, a Buffet and
Disco and a male stripper called Zacc... Zacc a former uk
bodybuilding champion soon got the ladies into a hot flush flexing
his muscles at them!
Last Saturday saw Roberta Lee raised over £5,000 at the Eldonian
village Hall in Liverpool and Friday's total will be anounced on
Roberta Lee's webpage later
this week. The Roab Club did a sponsored walk the day before and, as
a thank you to Roberta Lee, donated the money to her for her breast
cancer charity, in return for all the work she had done for them.
Champion newspaper reporter Becky asked Roberta on the night for a
quote and Roberta replied, "Its great to bring Liverpool and
Southport closer together." The bar has raised over £31,000
since opening in 2002 to help of the local community and national
The Christmas countdown has already started at the famous Nevill
Street venue with people coming from all over the UK to see the
spectacular Christmas Show. The nights of 3, 10 , 17 December have
already nearly sold out, with standing room only. A whole new show
is being devised with brand new costumes and newly choreographed
singing and dancing, including a special opening number with feather
fans. Theres no biz like showbiz, and the finale created by
Manchester based designer Stephen, will include some materials from
shows he has put on in Las Vegas. New Year's Eve tickets are
starting to go fast, as the success of the bar has been phenomenal.
Do hurry to obtain your tickets if you wish to go along. And finally
I can reveal that the rumours are true that Roberta Lee might be off
to Las Vegas to do the show at the Phantasm Show Bar and Casino...
yes, that's Las Vegas in the good old USA!!!! But we will point out
that this will only be for a couple of weeks next year and other
female impersonators will guest star at Roberta Lee's Showbar
handpicked by Roberta Lee herself, plus a support group. She is
world famous after all, so she has to spread her wings from time to

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