THE first
Southport Reporter and Southport Champion Rockfest was a resounding
success. Havana was packed despite NG26 having to pull out due to a
van breaking down and Garrialla Farm's lead singer getting hit by
laryngitis... and we still had what was an amazing night. The two
Liverpool bands, LiveJam and Blynd Zenyth, who stepped in at short
notice, did us proud. They were fantastic and it was sad that they
could only go on first because of time issues. Live Jam did covers,
and started the night with a tremendous rush of powerful classic
rock which set the tone for the night. After them came the stunning
Blind Zenyth, who will, very soon, be heading into record stores
across the UK if they keep up the standard they presented on the
night.. Check out their web site at
www.blyndzenyth.com, well worth
a look... Thanks lads for turning up at such short notice! Next on
the list of stunning acts were the Southport bands, Post Haste and
then Revolution. Post Haste were stupendous, keeping the standard
high and the audience rocking. Next on stage Revolution, well this
band like Blynd Zenyth deserve to go places... They kept the rhythm
going with a set that got even the VIP John Pugh, MP rocking away!
Then the night's last band took to the floor as the Mayor of Sefton
posed outside with the Monster Truck, which was parked outside ready
to take the winners of a raffle around the town... The Monster Truck
was very kindly loaned to us by
alladstrader.com. ABE was on
the stage inside as the Mayor came in and he and his wife, were
blasted with the sweet sounds of Pop Rock! We were stunned as the
Mayor's face lit up with a large smile that was nearly as bright as
the stage lighting! "It is fantastic to see all the young
people safely having fun and listening to amazing bands. Well done
to both the Southport Reporter and the Champion for putting on such
a stunning night." he shouted to me over the music. His wife
added:- "It is so nice to see such enthusiasm and support for
the local bands. Also it is nice to see so much support for charity
and it really shows what the youth of Southport do for the
ABE did a
breath-taking set including some new numbers that the band had held
back from performing until the night. ABE's Band Manager, Adam
Goldwater said:- "The event is fantastic. It shows off the
talents of lots of bands, gets the youth actively involved in the
music scene of Southport and also raises cash for charity. Well done
to all the bands and the organizers."
As five bands took to
the stage our Editor, who was the organizer on the night said,
"It just shows what the youth of Southport really do for the
community and it shows that they can have fun at the same time. It
is also important that we do more nights like this and here at the
Southport Reporter we have lots more planned.
Live music is a huge part of the night life community and without
support for both the events and the bands, from the media and the
community, the night life will collapse. The bands love to do
charity events and this is not only good for the community and the
music scene but also for the bands. We have just given them a way of
showing the people of Southport what the bands do every week and we
hope it will encourage more people to join in the fantastic music
scene which we have here on Merseyside."
The event raised £900 for the Southport Christmas Lights Appeal.
Thank you to all who helped and supported the event.
Please note that video highlights of all the bands will be added to
this section and to Liverpool Reporter later this week!

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