Phone picture of the week....

PHONE snapper
Fiona Collins, aged 22 from Wallasey has sent in this snap shot of
the Sea Cat and the Liverbuilding. If you see a snap shot and
you have your camera phone on you, then send it in to us. The
best shot will be added in the next edition like this one. To
send in your picture, select send as email and email your image to:-
'Fame' Search For A Star, 2006, 1st Semi Final

ON the 16
March 2006 it was nearly freezing outside, but inside it was nearly
boiling at Southport's Casablanca, as the tension rocketed as the
acts preformed on the stage. The contestants where now
performing in the Semi Finals of this years 'Fame'
competition. The search has been incredibly hard so far, as so
many talented young contestants have taken to the stage in the
heats, that the judges have found it a incredibly demanding task to
pick out winners. Now this is the Semi Finals, so you can imagine
the problems that faced in the first of the three semi finals.
The talent was incredibly hot, and that was not just the contestants
dress sense! The night went very fast, despite a power cut,
that affected most of Southport. It is a shame that only a few
contestants can go through to the finals, but it is a competition
and a selection had to be made. To all of the
contestants who have made it this far, well done. This years Fame is
one of the hardest yet and you have done extremely well to get this
far. To all of the winners of the first Semi Final, see you at the
final and good luck! The next Semi Finals are on 23
March and 30 March 2006 at Pleasureland's Casablanca.
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