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Date:- 10 April 2006

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THE Liverpool Open 08 Squash Championship 2006 is one of the biggest squash tournaments in Europe and one of the top 6 in the world.  This is YOUR chance to rub shoulders with the world's leading players and take part in a fun team tournament running alongside the Liverpool 08 Open Squash Championship.

We are inviting 08businessconnect members to enter teams of 3 players into the Liverpool 08 Corporate Squash Team Challenge at the beginning of May. The early rounds will be played on the Liverpool Cricket Club squash courts, with the finals taking place on the glass court at St George's Hall.

So, dust off those racquets, join the fun and experience the thrill of being part of Europe's biggest squash tournament. Winning teams will celebrate with an array of prizes - top-class squash racquets, free coaching clinic from a star player and bottles of champagne.

Squash is a great way of helping to improve your company's performance. In this age of stress and obesity, regular exercise is essential to maintaining health and fitness. The influential Forbes Magazine recently carried out a survey of the 10 Healthiest Sports in the USA and squash came top of the list for all-round health benefits. Playing squash guarantees you a superb work-out and burns lots of calories.

The citation for squash reads:- "The preferred game of Wall Street has convenience on its side, as 30 minutes on the squash court provides an impressive cardio-respiratory workout. Extended rallies and almost constant running builds muscular strength and endurance in the lower body, while lunges, twists and turns increase flexibility in the back and abdomen."

To enter your team please contact Alan Thatcher for details by:-

Telephone or text:- 07971 639 829

Sponsorship and corporate hospitality opportunities are also available.

Tournament dates 1 May to 7 May 2006

Main venue St George's Hall 3 May to 7 May 2006

Qualifying rounds Liverpool Cricket Club 1 M\ay to 2 May 2006

Tournament website:- 
TICKET HOTLINE:- 0871 230 9808
Book tickets online from:-


ONE YEAR on and what has the Child Trust Fund meant for families in the North West?  The 6 April 2006 marked the 1st anniversary of the Child Trust Fund and according to leading provider, The Children's Mutual, there's plenty to celebrate for families in the North West.  The last 12 months have seen many milestones for the Government's first long term savings and investment plan.

What the Child Trust Fund means for the North West According to figures from The Children's Mutual:-

* It is estimated that more than 245,000 children in the North West have already received a Child Trust Fund voucher;

* Based on The Children's Mutual figures, 33% of families in the North West are already topping up their youngster's Child Trust Fund on a regular monthly basis;

* Before the Child Trust Fund, 54% of parents in the North West had no savings plan for their child's education and 37% were considering re-mortgaging or taking out a loan to pay for this. The CTF could help to ease this financial burden for parents in the North West.

Case study

Laurence Ball from Liverpool opened a Child Trust Fund account for his son Owen, who is almost 3 years old, with The Children's Mutual.  Mr Ball said:- "If we hadn't had the Child Trust Fund, we wouldn't have started saving so early for Owen - it's a great booster to start saving for your kids. Although we're putting just a little aside each month at the moment, hopefully it will help Owen when the time comes for university or a deposit on a house."

What the Child Trust Fund means for the UK as a whole:-

* In the pre-Child Trust Fund world, just one in five families were saving over the long term for their children - this has now doubled to 2 in 5 families;

* By March 2006, more than 1.5 million vouchers had been invested by UK parents and nearly 80% of these were in share-based accounts;

* The amount being saved regularly for children has grown dramatically, increasing from an average of £15 a month pre-CTF, to an average of £24 today;

* The Chancellor's Budget announcement has further bolstered the scheme, with accounts to be topped up at age 7 by a further £250 or £500.

David White, Chief Executive of The Children's Mutual, said:- "This first birthday marks the beginning of a major socio-economic change that we will see unfold over the next 2 decades. The introduction of the Child Trust Fund has been a catalyst to start a new savings culture in the North West. Now every child born from 1 September 2002 will have a long-term savings account in their name, with 1.5 million Child Trust Fund accounts already open in the UK."

Parents who would like to open a CTF account with The Children's Mutual can call direct on 0845 077 1899 or visit

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