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Southport Reporter® covering the news on Merseyside.

Date:- 10 April 2006

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THE Merseyside Objective One programme has smashed European targets for funding renewable energy schemes in the region.  Objective One is currently supporting the production of 1,314,547 kilowatt-hours (KWh) of renewable energy on Merseyside, the equivalent of supplying a UK home with electricity for 330 years.

The record figures represent a massive 18,000% improvement on the programme’s original targets set by Europe.  Objective One insists that all funded schemes commit to generating at least 10% of their energy requirements through renewable methods. The resulting take-up of alternative forms of energy production, such as wind turbines, solar panels and groundwater heating schemes, has helped to reduce CO2 emissions on Merseyside by more than 1/2 a million kilograms.

This standard, pioneered through the programme, is now being adopted by other organisations in Merseyside. Sefton Council now routinely expects new developments in its area to show a commitment to renewable energy by generating ten per cent of their energy needs on site.

Tracy Gordon, environmental sustainability manager for the Objective One programme said:- “With rocketing energy bills and climate change hot on the international agenda there has never been a more crucial time for businesses to look towards renewable energy schemes.  These figures represent a breakthrough not only for the Merseyside Objective One programme but also the region. Driving the take-up of energy efficient schemes will save businesses money, by reducing running costs, whilst also moving Merseyside towards a sustainable future, improving the quality of life for all.”

Objective One has funded some of the region’s most energy-efficient developments, including Southport’s eco-visitor centre. The centre is built entirely of sustainable materials and features a 20 kW wind turbine, solar water heating panels and ground source heat pumps, allowing it to generate most of its own energy.

Past report link:- "Wind Turbine Installed" in our 17 July 2004 issue, click on to see.

Past report link:- "Southport Eco Centre short-listed for best in waterside regeneration" in our 22 May 2005 issue, click on to see.


BRITAIN'S favourite car has helped launch a new drive to encourage motorists to sign up to the NHS Organ Donor Register.  Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, and the cast of the famous stage musical, took a pit stop between performances at Manchester’s Palace Theatre to urge motorists to join the lifesaving register when they receive a special organ donor leaflet in the post this summer.  More than six million special leafletstitled We’ve signed up. 'Have you?', will be sent to British motorists between April and July thanks to a partnership between NHS UK Transplant and the DVLA.

UK Transplant director of communications Penny Hallett said:- “We know that motorists are kind-hearted because millions have already pledged to leave a legacy of life after their death, by ticking the Organ Donor Register box when they applied for their driver’s licence. In fact, drivers now make up the biggest single group on the register.  So our special leaflets offer a big ‘thank you’ to all the motorists who have signed upand an invitation to those who haven’t yet got round to it.”  Penny added:- “Organ transplants save or enhance nearly 3,000 lives every year but there is a desperate shortage of donors and about 400 people die each year while waiting for a transplant. It’s vital that more people discuss their wishes for donation with their families and sign up to the register.”

The special leaflets will be posted to motorists between April and July with new and replacement driver’s licences and vehicle tax reminders.

You can also find out more about organ donation and sign up to the NHS Organ Donor Register by calling 0845 60 60 400, visiting or picking up a leaflet at your GP’s surgery.

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