Dame Ellen Macarthur
Starts Clipper Race In Olympic City.
Photograph with thanks to Ingrid

ON 8 April
2006 at the Olympic Harbour, Qingdao in China whitnessed all ten
yachts in the Clipper 05-06 Round the World Yacht Race depart under
the eyes of Dame Ellen MacArthur. Dame Ellen MacArthur leaded the
fleet out to the start line on board ‘B&Q’ before wishing the crews
fair winds for their epic sail of 5,100 mile journey across the
North Pacific Ocean. The race leg is now due to arrive in Victoria
on 6 May 2006.
The teams are all well aware that this leg of the race will see them
encounter big waves and great storms, as they battle the cold
weather, plowing a way through the havy seas northwards into the
Pacific Ocean.
The race was to re-start with the largest global audience of all
time watching, thanks to CCTV (China’s national television station)
who beamed the footage live to around half a billion people
throughout China. With so many people watching the re-start the
anticipation and excitement was at an all time high, with all the
teams hoping they would make the best possible start.
Joining his ‘home team’ on the Victoria Clipper, for Leg Seven
across the Pacific Ocean was Peter A. Robson, editor of Pacific
Yachting magazine. Before he left he said:- "I climb aboard
and gaze about the decks, marvelling at the complexity of it all and
wondering, even being an experienced sailor, how I’m ever going to
figure it out. A steep ladder leads below to her damp and cavernous
interior. There is obviously lots of preparation still to be done
before the race starts, and gear, clothing, sails and provisions are
strewn everywhere. This is a racing yacht, and there is clearly no
resemblance between it and the luxury yachts we write about in
Pacific Yachting.
Aboard the Victoria, I find the only empty bunk. Half its length is
a mere foot from the fibreglass overhead. I heave up my duffle and
claim it as my own, wondering what I don’t know about it and why no
one else has claimed it. I’m sure I’ll find out soon enough.”
Resilts at End of Leg Six on 3 April 2006.
08 was the winner of Race 6 and finished at 05:57, UK local
time (GMT+8). Victoria Clipper crossed the line 21 minutes later at
06:18 to take second place after an excruciating night becalmed
within ten miles of the finish line.
Before setting off on the next leg the leader bourd looked like
1. Liverpool 08: Finished 05:57 local time 03/04/06
2. Victoria:
Finished 06:18 local time 03/04/06 (+ 21 mins from leader)
3. Durban:
Finished 06:24 local time 03/04/06 (+ 27 mins)
4. Uniquely
Singapore:- Finished 06:41 local time 03/04/06 (+44 mins)
5. Cardiff:
Finished 09:26 local time 03/04/06 (+ 3 hrs 29 mins)
6. New York:
Finished 10:40 local time 03/04/06 (+4 hrs 43mins)
7. Qingdao:
Finished 13:19 local time 03/04/06 (+ 7 hrs 22 mins)
8. Glasgow:
Finished 14:25 local time 03/04/06 (+8 hrs 28 mins)
westernaustralia.com: Finished 1457 local time 03/04/06 (+9 hrs)
10. Jersey:
Finished 15:01 local time 03/04/06 (+9 hrs 4 mins) |
Haydock Park Racecourse 'Easter Saturday' competition

to our winner of the Hadock Park Racecorse 'Easter Saturday'
competition. The winner is Lesley Flannery from Chruchtown. She goes
away with the 4 County Enclosure badges. They are now winning their
way to you. If you did not win remember it's a great time to get out
and enjoy the very best entertainment that the sport of horse racing
has to offer with the family and under 16 go for FREE!
Letters to Editor:- "Reply To Please find my lost brother"
"I am writing
in response to a letter to the editor I read on here from by a Julie
Flinders in the 24/10/05. My original name was Philip Duffy and I
was born on 16 January 1959. I to am looking for her and
if you our any of your readers can track her down I would be more
than happy to get in contact. Please pass my email on to her and
publish it on your site, in case you do not have her contact
information any more. Thanks and I look forward to
meeting her." James Mc. Nicholas,
Editors note:-
"Thanks for your email. Sadly we
do not have her cotact infomation any more but should any one
contact us with the information I will let you know. We
hope you both find each other. Good luck and we will
keep you posted."
Letter link...
click here

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