Annual Sports Awards 2006
Photograph by Mrs L Trollope

ON 6 April, at
Liverpool Town Hall, the City held the Annual Sports Awards
ceremony, hosted by Alan Jackson and Charles Lambert, and supported
by Capita. This year thirteen Liverpool athletes, who between them
won seven medals in this year’s Commonwealth Games, were guests of
honour at the ceremony. They joined in the presentation of awards,
as did the former Commonwealth Swimming Champion and Olympic
Medalist Stephen Parry, and Andy Worthington, Chair of North West
Sport, to the delight of the young recipients. Also participating
was Councillor Warren Bradley, leader of Liverpool City Council.
A spokesperson said:- “The Annual Sports Awards provide a shop
window for excellence, and really emphasis how well the city is
performing, both nationally and internationally. It is especially
fitting that we are celebrating our huge success at the Melbourne
Commonwealth Games, during the year of Liverpool Performs.
Previous years’ award winners have gone on to even greater
achievements. They include Wayne Rooney, Steve Smith,
Beth Tweddle and Stephen Parry."
This year there were more than 80 individual and team awards for
outstandingly good performances, both nationally and
internationally. This, in a year of unprecedented success for sport
in Liverpool, over a very wide field of events. Special awards were
also presented, including a new “Step into Sport Volunteers
Award”. This Scheme, begun in 2002, encourages youngsters,
16 to 19, to become involved in promoting their field of special
interest. 200 hours of commitment equals a Gold Award.

COACH OF THE YEAR was awarded to Stan Robert of Liverpool Harriers,
for his many years service to the club, which has helped them
achieve tremendous successes.
