NEW research from G4S
Security Services (UK) reveals tickets for the World Cup finals in
Germany sold via unauthorised websites cost on average 327% more
than the face value of the ticket. Tickets for the World Cup final
itself cost on average £972.70, a mark-up of 277% on the original
sale price set by FIFA.
While online auction sites often promote themselves as offering
bargains, G4S Security Services (UK)’s research shows that consumers
often pay far higher prices than if tickets had been bought from
legitimate outlets. A pair of tickets to see England play Trinidad &
Tobago, at the Frankenstadion Nuremberg on 15 June, sold for £1500,
a mark up of 2307% on the tickets’ face value.
Those selling tickets via online auction sites in the UK risk
prosecution, as the Government has banned the unlicensed sale of any
tickets for the World Cup finals in Germany this summer. G4S
Security Services (UK) is warning consumers who are contemplating
purchasing tickets from unauthorised sources to check they are not
fraudulent. In some cases touts are offering tickets for ‘phantom’
matches that are not even scheduled to take place at the finals.
Douglas Greenwell, Marketing Director of G4S Security Services (UK)
said:- “FIFA has implemented a rigorous identification system
for the World Cup finals, so supporters purchasing tickets from
touts could face severe disappointment. If the ticket holder’s
details do not match those of the purchaser they will be refused
entry to the stadium. Buying tickets from unauthorised websites can
lead to an increase in fraud, criminal activity and increases the
safety and security risks at events to themselves and other members
of the public. Ultimately it is in the consumers’ interest to
purchase their tickets from authorised outlets; this ensures they
are paying the correct price and that the tickets actually exist.
Supporters purchasing tickets from unauthorised sources could be
wasting significant sums of money.”
FIFA has implemented a rigorous security system to prevent tickets
that have been purchased illegally being used to gain access to
watch matches at the World Cup finals in Germany this summer.
According to the terms and conditions of sale, tickets can only be
transferred via application to the Organising Committee of the FIFA
World Cup 2006. Each individual ticket is issued in the name of the
applicant or guest specified in the original order, and for
monitoring purposes an ID or passport number is required.
Those purchasing legitimate World Cup tickets from unauthorised
online action sites could find themselves locked out of the stadium.
Unauthorised ticket holders trying to get into a stadium will face
outer and inner perimeter checks and face additional random spot
However, this has not deterred touts from selling tickets online and
consumers purchasing them at vastly inflated prices. Tickets for the
World Cup semi-finals are trading at a premium of 662% over the
original sale price set by FIFA. Tickets featuring the last 16 teams
in the tournament are being sold by touts for on average 347% over
the ticket face value on online auction sites. |
heads the throwaway league. Research launched this week by
housewares company Brabantia, suggests that the North of England is
the least environmentally friendly area of the UK. The findings show
that as a region we produce more rubbish than any other part of the
country and are the least likely to recycle.
Home owners in the North head the UK’s ‘throwaway league’
with 1 in 10 throwing out at least 4 bin bags full of rubbish each
week, twice the national average and enough to fill 3 double-decker
buses in just 12 months. The North is also the region least likely
to be recycling (8%) and the region least likely to compost with
just 26% compared with 48% of those living in the South East of
Yet despite this, Northerners are most likely to claim they care
strongly about the environment and environmental issues with 83%
considering themselves environmentally aware and 66% spending on
recyclable bin liners in the hope of helping the environment.
As well as significant regional variations, the survey found that
the younger generation is far more wasteful than its older
relatives, with 10% of 18 to 34 year olds throwing out more than 4
bags of rubbish a week. This contrasts with the over 65’s - the
least wasteful group,- with 40% producing just 1 bag of rubbish per
The findings are particularly alarming as Britain’s landfill sites
are predicted to reach capacity within the next decade, yet as a
nation we are producing more waste than ever before, approximately
30 million tonnes of household waste a year, increasing by an
average of 3% every 12 months.
David Slater, sales director of Brabantia said:- “Britain’s
throwaway culture is a matter of great concern. Despite recent
initiatives to increase the amounts of rubbish we recycle, we
continue to produce more and more rubbish each year and are still
lagging behind our European counterparts in Spain, France and
Germany in the recycling stakes. Home owners may need to
reconsider their attitudes towards the environment and domestic
waste management, so that recycling becomes a more accepted part of
household waste disposal”.
Inspired by the
WE ARE looking for people to don their running shoes for the
British Red Cross in this Octobers’ Liverpool 10k.
Help raise vital
funds our work in the local area which includes transporting
vulnerable or elderly people to and from essential appointments,
providing first aid cover at events around the city, immediate
practical help for people involved in fires and skin camouflage.
Last year the Red Cross team had runners from across Merseyside and
further field “Taking part last year was great fun and a real
success – I’m sure it will be even bigger and better this year!”
The event will be held on 8th October 2006
7-13th May is Red Cross Week, our annual fundraising week. It’s a
chance for our supporters to get together to raise money for our
work; it’s also the ideal time to start that training!
Do you want to run the Liverpool 10K run for the Red Cross?
If you, any of your friends or family would like to be part of The
Red Cross team then contact Ailsa or Gemma on 07921 872441 or
email for further information. |