MACMILLIAN'S Information Managers are saying keep safe in the
sun this summer and watch out for their '6 sun safety tips'
as part of Sun Awareness Week, 15 to 19 May.
The '6 sun safety tips' are:-
1.) Seek the shade between 11am to 3 pm
2.) Cover up with a t-shirt, wear a hat with a wide brim and wrap
around sun glasses
3.) Use UVA/UVB protection sun cream factor 15 or above
4.) Make sure children are covered up
5.) Take extra care if you have fair hair, fair skin, and lots of
moles and freckles
6.) Watch out for moles that change colour, size, bleed or itch.
Skin cancer is a growing problem, Macmillan wants people to take
extra care. In the last 10 years skin cancer has risen faster than
any other cancer in the UK. Macmillan information managers are
ideally placed to raise awareness to the general public, early
detection saves lives. And by following our top tips everyone can
still enjoy the summer sunshine.
Kim Hurley, 36, noticed a mole on her knee that changed colour. She
went to her GP, and was later diagnosed with malignant melanoma. She
says:- "I couldn't believe I was diagnosed with skin cancer, I
never suspected. I've never really been a sunbather so I was very
shocked - you don't realise how strong the sun is in this country."
Skin cancer is now the UK's most common cancer in both men and women
with more than 70,000 cases of melanoma and non-melanoma reported
each year and over 2,000 deaths. Malignant Melanoma, the most
serious form of skin cancer, affects over 7,000 people in the UK
each year.
It is also the 3rd most common cancer in those aged 15 to 24 years old
and is more common in women than men. However, the vast majority of
skin cancers could have been prevented by taking precautions against
the sun's ultra-violet rays.
If anyone is concerned about skin cancer or has a mole they believe
is suspicious they should visit their GP to get it checked out. For
more information on cancer in general, please visit the Macmillan
Cancer Information and Support Nurse in the Linda McCartney Centre
or call the Macmillan CancerLine freephone number on 0808 808 2020,
email or
macmillan.org.uk. |
AS the Isle of
Man looks forward to the annual TT Races, The Isle of Man Steam
Packet Company has announced that three chartered vessels will
bolster the fleet to bring the annual army of motor cycle fans to
the greatest road racing event in the world.
The ‘Diamant’, an 81 metre fast craft catamaran carrying up
to 650 passengers, 450 motorcycles and vehicles will be scheduled to
operate on mainly the Heysham/IOM but some Liverpool/IOM services
from 30 May up until 12 June.
Arriving from Tilbury on 24 May 2006 ahead of the TT schedules to
accommodate staff training, ‘Diamant’ was last in service on the
English Channel with Hoverspeed.
Additionally, Steam Packet will charter another fast craft, ‘P&O
Express’ which as during the 2005 TT festival will operate
sailings to and from Larne, whilst the freighter ‘Moondance’
will complement the Company vessel ‘Ben McChree’ as it concentrates
on passenger and vehicle traffic.
Hamish Ross, Steam Packet Managing Director said:- "The three
chartered vessels will enable our Company to maintain a ‘round the
clock’ service as we transport TT fans from all over the world to
the Island to share in this unique and exciting event. We are
committed to the festival in which we will again be sponsors of the
Supersport Junior TT Race."
Forward bookings for TT 2006 are currently up on 2005 and TT 2007
bookings are also strong.
The Steam Packet will also sponsor a race meeting on the Billown
Circuit on Saturday 10 June 2006. This will be the 15th year of
‘The Steam Packet National Road Race’, which has become one of
the most popular and important days of the Tourist Trophy Meeting
for the top riders and fans.