TEACHERS' TV is turning the spotlight on teachers in the new
series “Stars Out of School”, revealing just how talented so
many are outside the classroom. One teacher featured in the series
is Paul Williams from Maghull High in Maghull, who swaps being Head
of Music with being a pantomime director.
Paul is a pantomime director with skills in recording, arranging and
sequencing. He is in great demand as Musical Director for shows such
as The Barry White Show, endless musicals performed in the
North-West of England and the annual panto at Southport Little
Theatre. His crowning achievement has been receiving five awards for
his dedication to pantomime. Paul was found after national research
by Teachers’ TV to find the UK’s ‘Stars Out of School’.
“I have always loved pantomimes and am now very passionate
about directing them,” said Paul. “I really enjoyed
being involved in the programme and found the whole experience
really interesting. I am delighted to have this opportunity to show
people what I do.”
Andrew Bethell, Chief Executive of Teachers’ TV said:- “So
many of our teachers spend their time outside the classroom taking
part in truly fascinating hobbies and we wanted to showcase some of
the best. They all have one thing in common – energy and commitment
to both their teaching and their hobbies.”
‘Stars Out of School’ is presented by comedian Rob Deering and
profiles teachers from across the UK who achieve great things in
completely different fields from teaching. ‘Stars Out of School –
The Musical Director’ featuring Paul is broadcast at 8pm on
Thursday 18 May and after this date is available to stream and
download from the Teachers’ TV website at

is one of Britains top 40 Hospitals for fifth year running
FOR THE 5th year running, Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS
Trust has been named among the top performers in the country's 6th
40 Top Hospitals programme assessed by the country's leading
hospital benchmarking company, CHKS. The Trust is the only one on
Merseyside to be among this year's 40 Top Hospitals, and 1 of only 3
from Cheshire & Merseyside Strategic Health Authority.
Commenting on the Trust's achievement, Chief Executive Jonathan
Parry said:- "We have entered this programme for the last 5
years and each year we have been named in the 40 Top Hospitals and
this is a fantastic achievement. We would not have received this
award if it weren't for the hard work of all our staff. It shows
that their skill, dedication and commitment has improved the quality
of care we provide to our patients and the health community. This
award is particularly satisfying as it is an opportunity to be
judged against other Trusts across the country."
In this year's programme a number of NHS Trusts have improved their
performance in the indicators selected by CHKS, making the
achievement of a place in the top 40 that much harder. In addition,
more trusts entered the programme this year than last year.
Using the most up to date data available to the NHS, 18 performance
indicators (listed below), including mortality rates and MRSA rates,
cancelled procedures and information from patient surveys, are used
to assess clinical effectiveness, outcomes, efficiency and
patient-carer experience.
The independent CHKS review covers the whole of the United Kingdom
and looks at the performance of 120 hospitals. The Study is not a
league table and all the hospital trusts entered into the programme
because they wanted their performance to be measured against
recognised clinical healthcare standards.
1. Risk adjusted mortality index
2. Emergency readmission rates (within 28 days of discharge)
3. Emergency readmission rates for fractured hips
4. Discharge of stroke patients to their own home
5. Discharge of patients to home after hip operations
6. Risk adjusted complications index
7. Day case rate for specific procedures (nominated by the British
Association of Day Surgery)
8. The number of day case overstays
9. Risk adjusted length of stay index
10. Cost of in-patient activity (case mix adjusted and assessed for
market forces)
11. Missed outpatient appointments
12. Procedures not carried out due to hospital decision
13. Proportion of waiting list patients treated who waited less than
6 months
14. Proportion of surgical treatments provided to patients over 65
(case mix & population adjusted)
15. Proportion of surgical treatments provided to patients over 75
(case mix & population adjusted)
16. Staff survey across hospitals to assess the impact of the NHS as
an employer
17. Hospital acquired infection rates (MRSA only)
18. Overall data quality
Each of the 40 Top Hospitals is an achiever of high quality care.
The participating hospitals are representative of hospital care
across the UK and importantly they were invited to enter the
CHKS is CASP (Clinical Accountability Services Planning and
Evaluation) Healthcare Knowledge Services. |