Letters to the Editor:- "Action
for Blind People"
"IN the past Action for Blind People Merseyside has always enjoyed
fantastic support from your readers enabling us to provide a range
of services to blind and partially sighted people.
Action for Blind People and Alliance & Leicester have joined up to
raise vital funds and awareness for our services for blind and
partially sighted people.
Until the end of February, you will be able to support the charity
by purchasing a specially-made pin badge from your local branch in
Merseyside. There will be a choice of five badges of the current
stars from the Nickelodeon cartoon ‘All Grown Up’, formerly
the Rug-Rats. Featuring Angelica, the bossy but popular blonde;
Chuckie, famous for his square-rimmed glasses; Tommy, a
purple-haired science whizz; Susie, talented singer and envy of
Angelica; and a fifth badge with all four characters together. Each
badge will be available for a suggested donation of £1.
By working with Alliance & Leicester to promote the ‘All Grown Up’
pin badge campaign we can continue to fund local services for
visually impaired people in Merseyside.
Thank you for your continued support."
Janet Gilbertson,
Action for Blind People Merseyside
URL. |
Letters to the Editor:-
"Animals in our
throw away society!"
"EARLIER this month, 2 hamsters were found thrown out with the
rubbish. Such shameful lack of responsibility and disregard for life
is unfortunately a growing trend. The Alternative Animal Sanctuary
has found that the numbers of creatures brought to us by owners who
have simply 'changed their mind', or their 'circumstances',
is growing. Most animals live for years, not just weeks or months,
and taking one on is a big commitment. But it's not just small
animals who suffer.
Troy is one of around 30 horses in our care. As a young animal he
was badly abused, regularly beaten and made to jump so much his
owners had to give him painkillers to keep him performing. He has
been badly affected psychologically and now suffers from chronic
arthritis. To help ease his condition a heat lamp is desperately
needed, at the cost of £3,000. As a registered charity, The
Alternative Sanctuary relies completely on donations to feed, house
and treat the animals in our care. If you can spare a donation,
however large or small, you can help ease the pain for Troy - and
the other animals who have been abused, neglected and abandoned."
Tamara Lloyd,
Alternative Animal Sanctuary. Windmill Road, Pepperstock, Luton,
Beds, LU1 4LQ.