Backers Bar - Southport

ON Saturday 25
February 2007 we popped into Bakers bar in Southport town centre to
see what was going on. Due to a technical problem last week we did
not get a chance to show you these images, so here they are!

Do not brake the law
and copy our photos. Please help us to keep this site live.
We make our cash through selling photographs. If you
would like to order them, you can ring us up and get a hard copy,
photographic print or you can order a digital copy for
personal use only. Call us on 01704 513 569 from 10:30am to
4:00pm Monday to Friday. Prices start at £8.00 for an 8" by 12"
print plus £2.00 P&P. For download £2.50 for 1 image, and up
to 4 images £4.00. |