of the ministry of Canon Woodhouse

THE Parish of
St Luke's Church, in Formby, on Sunday 25 March 2007, witnessed the
end of an era as Reverent Canon Alison Woodhouse conducted her final
service. St Luke's Church has been her home since 1995. After
conducting her last service we caught up with her. She has seen many
changes in the Church of England and some of them lead to her
becoming an Hon. Canon of Liverpool Cathedral and being made a
Chaplain to the Queen.

When we asked her if she had ever thought
that she would have done this, she said:- "No, no. My father
thought I would end up a Vicar's dogsbody, but here I am a canon, a
vicar and a Queen's Chaplain, so it can't be bad." We asked
her what it felt like knowing that she had made such an impact on
the community and Alison responded with:- "I just think God
has been so good that he has used me, blessed me and that there have
been some magnificent years. Some of the happiest years of my
ministry. Mixed feelings, but thankful down in my heart about
everything." Do you think the view of female vicars has
changed was my next question. In reply, she said:- "I think it
has, as people have seen that women can do the work. Then God has
blessed women's ministries. The next stage will be having women
Bishops, but not for me."
here to play our full
audio interview with the Vicar, Rev. Canon Alison Woodhouse. |

