Central Register in Southport; a future in the National Health and
Social Care Service
AT around 5pm
on 27 March 2007, two passengers were detained by Greater Manchester
Police at the security screening area in Terminal 3 at Manchester
Airport following a routine test on liquids being carried as cabin
A random search by security personnel had revealed a number of
undeclared sample-sized perfume bottles in the passengers' cabin
baggage. These bottles were swabbed and initially gave an abnormal
The two women passengers, who were travelling with two young
children, were questioned by police and subsequently released
following extensive further tests on the liquids.
The passengers were travelling on a British Airways flight to
Heathrow and were then due to board a British Mediterranean flight
to Syria.
There were no flight delays as a result of the incident.
Southport’s famous Model Railway Village will re-open on Saturday 31
March 2007 for a new season. Visitors will see an impressively
refurbished town section with new shops and many interesting
The renovation of the site, which originally opened in 1996, has
been undertaken despite winter’s torrential downpours and fierce
gales, which affected progress at the well appointed 1.5 acre
village in King’s Gardens, next to the Marine Lake Pedestrian
However the bad weather has not prevented this popular attraction
from opening for its 11th season. The village is composed of a
beautiful landscape encompassed by an authentic miniature rail
network and contains more than 200 1:18 scale models of dwellings,
schools, retail units and communities based on the architecture and
style of Lancashire and Merseyside. Few visitors to the village can
resist the welcoming Tea Gardens & Café, with its speciality cream
teas and delicious snacks.
Entry prices for 2007 have been retained at last year’s level:
Adults £2.95, Child £2.50 (under 1’s free), Senior Citizens /
Students £2.50, Family Ticket £10. The Model Railway Village is open
daily from 10am (weather permitting) until the end of October.
For more information telephone 01704 538001 or visit

offender who stole a cute puppy from its owners has been warned he
has no place to hide – and urged to surrender the dog immediately.
The stocky thief –
who has a tattoo of an American Pit Bull Terrier with cropped ears
on the inside of his arm and is believed to be from Liverpool –
snatched 11-week-old Sky from her female owner as they walked in a
local beauty spot.
He then made off with his accomplice, driving away in a navy blue,
four-door BMW that is undoubtedly stolen as its registration number,
M75 VUD, is a false plate.
Just hours before Sky was stolen, the same man approached a second
dog owner and was taking pictures of her Staffordshire Bull Terrier.
He was later seen in the above car driving back and forth past the
woman’s home.
Sky’s owners are offering cash for her return and have appealed to
the thief, his friends and family or those who know where their dog
is to help them.
Darren Hellam, 37, and Beverley Hilton, 42, were walking Sky - a
distinctive blue and white Staffordshire Bull Terrier – in Seven
Acres Country Park, near their home in Tongemoor, Bolton, when the
dog was stolen at 12.30pm on March 27.
They were approached by a man who was stroking Sky and saying how
much he liked dogs. He rolled up his sleeve to show them his tattoo.
Within seconds, he had grabbed Sky and ran off towards Lammer Lane,
where he got in the car and drove off. He was accompanied by a
second offender in an all-grey tracksuit with the hooded top up.
Darren explained:- “The police and I have all the details of
this man and his car. He is so distinctive – someone out there knows
a man with a pit bull tattoo on the inside of his arm and these
people need to come forward. This man has stolen our dog
either to keep for himself or to sell on and the message is clear –
he may as well give her back now. Sky is too hot to handle,
the word about her theft has already spread from Wales to Scotland
and thousands of people are helping to look for her. If you
see a dog that looks like Sky, are offered a dog like her for sale
or know who this man with the tattoo is, please call us anonymously.
We will pay to get our dog back.”
The offender is white, aged 20 to 24r, 5ft 9 and has a very athletic
build that suggests he is a regular gym user or bodybuilder. He has
dark close-cropped hair and speaks with a Liverpool accent.
Darren and Beverley can be contacted on 07922 592784 or local
police, who are investigating the theft. |