Myerscough Motorsports win first round of Off-Road Championships

THE Myerscough
College Motorsports team were triumphant in the first round of the
Northern Off-Road Club Championships over the weekend.

Myerscough had an
entry into this round with Myerscough College Motorsports Course
Tutor Pat Masters driving the College prepared RS 200, and the team
came first in class. The car had been prepared by National
Certificate and National Diploma in Motorsports students at the
College and five of these students accompanied Pat and fellow Course
tutor Stuart Ward to the meeting held near Lincoln at Wickenby
airfield. The car was driven over a very rough two mile circuit and
completed ten laps to finish the meeting first in class.
Pat said of the terrain:- “It was the roughest ground I have
ever driven over, some of it you could not even walk over!”

Round two of the
championship is on 22 April 2007 at Stainby and the team are now
preparing for the next stage. More details about the events can be
found at:-
Belinda Cookson, FE Motorsports Coordinator said:- “It was a
great achievement for the staff and students to be first in class on
the first event of the season. The students worked hard in their own
time to prepare the car under the guidance of Motorsports staff.
Round two should provide more hands on experience for the students
and hopefully another trophy for the Motorsports team’s collection!”

Myerscough College
offers a selection of Further and Higher Education courses and is
excellently equipped with 7 motorsports workshops and a fleet of
racing cars with the latest motor vehicle technology. Students
regularly take part in rallying events and develop a firm foundation
of practical skills and the relevant technical knowledge in motor
vehicles to enable them to progress in the industry. Employment
prospects are superb with many students progressing on to exciting
careers as Technicians and Mechanics, or in data analysis and
logistics roles, with the many motorsports teams based in the UK.
Photography E-Petition:- Response from the Government
WE have had an
official response from the PM's office to the report about the
e-petition about proposed restrictions on photography. We have
also had countless photographers and news groups adding their
opinions to this subject. Thanks to all who contacted
us. This is the official reply we got:-
"THE e-petition
asking the Prime Minister to:- "Stop proposed restrictions regarding
photography in public places" is on-going. This is a response in
advance of the closing date from the Government.
This petition has already attracted over 60,000 signatures from
people who obviously share your concern. Not surprisingly, the idea
that the Government might be poised to restrict your ability to take
photos has caused some puzzlement and even alarm.
We have therefore decided to respond to this petition before its
closing date of August, in order to reassure people.
The Government appreciates that millions of people in this country
enjoy photography. So we have checked carefully to see if any
Government department was considering any proposal that might
possibly lead to the sort of restrictions suggested by this
petition. We have been assured this is not the case.
There may be cases where individual schools or other bodies believe
it is necessary to have some restrictions on photography, for
instance to protect children, but that would be a matter for local
In fact, Simon Taylor, who started the petition, has since made
clear that he was not really referring to Government action or
legislation. His main concern appears to be that photographic
societies and other organisations may introduce voluntary ID cards
for members to help them explain why they are taking photographs.
Again, any such scheme would not involve the Government.
We hope this re-assures you and clears up the confusion."
Click here to see last
weeks report 10 Downing Street.
Home-grown talent exhibited at Albert Dock

50 Parr Street Studios launch new show, ‘From One Address’,
at Albert Dock. A group of artists from Liverpool’s 50 Parr Street
Studios are launched a new exhibition - ‘From One Address’
- at the Albert Dock on Thursday 29 March 2007.
The 50 Parr Street Studios collective is working with the Albert
Dock Company to showcase the work of thirteen locally based
illustrators, painters and sculptors within the Grade 1 listed
visitor attraction.

The new exhibition,
which runs to 26 April 2007, is located within the Albert Dock’s
Colonnades area, just metres from an exhibition by online art space, Tate Liverpool and the many art shops at the
Dock including Liverpool Pictures and Art 4 You.
Established for over five years, the studios at 50 Parr Street have
played a pivotal role in the Liverpool Art Scene. Following the
closure of many artists’ studios around the city, 50 Parr Street has
fought to remain open. The workshops provide a much needed space for
local independent artists of varying backgrounds and experiences.
Many Parr Street artists have a keen following by private collectors
and often make work to commission, such as for Aintree Racecourse.

The exhibition
‘From One Address’ reflects the varied individual styles and
outlooks of the thirteen artists involved, and attempts to portray
the creative melting pot that is 50 Parr Street Studios.
The opening of ‘From One Address’ at the Albert Dock
follows the highly successful launch of Site, a major new art
gallery curated by Liverpool John Moores University and the
Liverpool Biennial of Contemporary Art, situated within the Dock’s
Queen Elizabeth Hall.
This partnership-working with local arts organisations ties in with
the Albert Dock’s focus on leisure and tourism. The Albert Dock
Company is building on the attraction’s strong cultural visitor
experience by exhibiting the work of Liverpool’s vibrant art scene
within a World Heritage waterfront setting.
Ian Brown, Director of the Albert Dock Company says:- “Our aim
at the Dock is to constantly improve the experience for visitors. By
opening up many of our units to local artists we are providing a
high profile platform for much of Liverpool’s exciting home-grown
artistic talent. We have another exhibition launching soon organised
by Markmakers, the Halton-based contemporary Artists’ Collective.”
Debbie Ryan, member of the 50 Parr Street Studios collective said:-
“We are really excited to be given this opportunity to exhibit
our work. The Albert Dock is such a beautiful location, with the
site’s history, architecture, and the River Mersey running so close
by. The space is brilliant, to showcase a group show such as ours.
Who’d have thought it? We have Tate Liverpool as neighbours!”
Major u-turn in common fisheries policy is a 'wake up to reality'
say Conservatives
THE grotesque
policy of forcing fisherman to throw caught fish overboard in order
to comply with quotas has itself gone overboard
Brussels on 28 March 2007 the European Commission admitted that the
much reviled policy of 'discarding' caught fish has been a disaster.
Conservative pressure paid off as Fisheries Commissioner, Joe Borg,
let fishermen off the hook. No longer will they be forced to measure
net mesh sizes, fix acoustic devices on nets or create escape panels
in them. Borg admitted that 'the application of these measures
is too complicated to apply and control'. It has also led to
over 1 million tonnes of healthy fish (25% of all fish caught in the
EU) being discarded every year.
Discarding is the practice of dumping overboard unwanted fish or
other marine organisms which have been caught unintentionally. Many
UK fishermen in the whitefish fleet, which targets cod, haddock,
prawns etc., admit that discards routinely account for nearer 50-75%
of their catches. Even worse, in the Atlantic deep water fishery,
where fishermen target exotic species like Orange Roughy and
Roundnose Grenadier, discards of the multitude of slow-growing, late
maturing fish which live in almost total darkness at enormous depths
and are caught alongside the targeted species, can amount to over
90% of the catch. This is horrendously wasteful and environmentally
Sir Robert Atkins MEP, Conservative Deputy Leader in the European
Parliament, welcomed the u-turn but added a note of caution:
"Many fishermen will doubt that Fisheries Commissioner Borg can
really put an end to the disgraceful practice of dumping perfectly
healthy fish back into the sea because they doubt the wisdom of the
Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). Little wonder. If a fisherman
attempts to land an undersize or out of quota fish, he will be
prosecuted and end up with a criminal conviction and a hefty fine.
Rather than face criminal charges, our fishermen have no alternative
other than to dump such fish over the side. Much of this problem can
be traced to the way in which we operate our current system of
fisheries management under the CFP.
In the eyes of the public, the wasteful discarding of one million
tonnes of healthy fish each year is the unacceptable face of
Europe's fisheries policy. The clamour for reform has been constant,
and at last their demands are about to be answered." |