Miss Southport 2007
Photographs by Patrick Trollope.

NOT only is she a high flyer, she has just been awarded this year's Miss Southport 2007 title. So who is she?
The Miss Southport of 2007 is Chloe Davies, who is aged 20 and comes
from New Brighton. Chloe's day job takes her off the ground each day.
She works as a stewardess for Easy Jet and often works out of
Liverpool John Lennon Airport. She is a friendly, lively and very
bubbly young lady, who looks a million dollars. We found here to be
very level headed and very open with people. The title has not gone
to her head. In some ways she is not a typical model as she is not
outspoken and is shy at times. Our editor Patrick was amused in some
ways to find her stumped when he took her in to the town centre and
she found the reaction of the public was one of respect towards
her. At one point she managed successfully to cover up her slight
embarrassment when a young girl came over to ask her for information
and to congratulate her. “I was not expecting this attention”
she commented after to Patrick.
Chloe's mum told us that:- "I don't quite know what made her
have the idea that has led her down this path. I am so pleased that
she has been picked to enter the Miss England contest. I always knew
she was good looking, but this is quite something different. It is
not just me, her mother, saying it.”
We asked her mum why she thought Chloe had entered the Miss
Southport contest? “I think it might be down to her
boyfriend, who DJ's every week at Southport's Lloyds Bar on Lord
Street. His father is a photographer. He like many others
photographers have all commented on how photogenic she is. He has
also used her for a few photo shoots, as have a few other
photographers and friends with over the last year. Her
Myspace page has a fantastic
picture of her, taken by her boyfriend's father on Southport beach.
I think this interest must have given her the confidence to enter
the Miss England heats. I was shocked though when she told me that
she was going to enter. Up to this year she has never shown any
real interest in modelling. I think this is fantastic, that she that
the confidence to do this.
Chloe has already been photographed by OK Magazine and also for a
few local papers, but entering Miss England is such a massive step.
I know she is enjoying all the fuss and in my view she deserves it.
She works so hard and tries very hard to help others along the way.
It is nice to see her being rewarded in some way by life."
We then put the predictable question to Chloe. What was it like to
enter and win? "The competition was fun to enter. The night
did not get the same amount of coverage as last year's though, but I
can not complain. I have never done anything like it and I might
never get the chance again, so I am just enjoying every minute of
It is a very nice feeling, but it felt hard to know what to do. I
remember the result being read out and feeling lost as I did not
know who to talk to. I had so many friends and relatives
congratulating me all at once, I did not want to offend anyone by
not acknowledging them. That and the shock of winning mixed with a
sense of pride and a warm glow. It is hard to explain exactly what
it felt like. In all it is a strange mixture of emotions"
We asked did any one sound stand out after your name was read out?
"I think was my brother’s hoots of support. He is 18, and I
think he was the loudest when I won. That will be in my head for
ever. It felt so nice to see him looking so proud at me."
Our editor asked her what it feels like modelling:- “I know
you have done some work yourself. Ok, it was connected with your
course work at university, but I think you can relate to what I am
trying to say. It is a strange feeling as you know people are
looking at you and you want to know what they think. Then again, you
do not want to know, as you think it might be bad. You have to keep
your composure and just concentrate on the job you are doing and not
the people around you. That is a very hard thing to do. It is both
fun and nerve racking at the same time. Modelling is very time
consuming and tiring. It takes a lot out of you, yet to passers by
it looks so easy and non-demanding. I have only just started, but I
don’t want to sound bad when I say this, but in my view it is true.
You have to have good support behind you to build up your self
confidence and only then, when you have the confidence, can you
think about doing modelling. If you do not have confidence, the job
would be far to demanding emotionally as well as physically.”

Patrick then said:- “I have done quite a few fashions shows
and theatre shoots over the years and I have been doing press
photography. One thing that gets me is the way models and actors
tend to be, off stage, when working. I will never forget doing my
first major fashion event, being asked to take pictures back stage.
I walked through a mass of young ladies and lads all nude or in
underwear as people changing their clothes and did their hair. As
that happened TV and other photographers, back stage staff, hair
dresses and other people walked around and the models did not even
flinch. Ever since then I have seen it time after time again. It always
makes me nervous just walking into that type of environment. Do you
feel you would have the confidence and the ability to do what those
models do?” Chloe answered “Yes, I
think I would. I think it would be down to the confidence in the
people around you more that in yourself. You don’t have time to
think about it, I guess. You would also know that everyone back
stage has a job to do and would be concentrating on their jobs and
not you. On fashion shows you have to change quickly, sometimes not
only your clothes, shoes, but also your hair style and makeup, so you
would not expect to be able to hide away and change.”
Out next question was related to the general view about models
in the UK.

...continued...Our view was that most people think of modelling work is
Page 3 style work. Often these views in the UK, we think, lead models
to think hard about doing nude glamour work for magazines like Nuts, Zoo
and other lad’s mags. We wanted to know how
she feels
that type
of modelling?
“Sorry to disappoint the lads, but it is
just not me. I don’t knock the girls who do that style of work, but
for me, I’m a keeping my kit on! Not only that, but the rules
of the competition stated that I can not do nude work. I know that
there is a huge amount of cash in it for the girls who do brave it,
and show it, but I don’t think I
could be taken seriously if I did
go down that line. The farthest I would go is what I have done,
swimwear. That is also part of the Miss England and the Miss World
contests. It was also part of the Miss Southport contest this year.
I think the nude photography has now lost its impact and become
boring and predictable. As for people thinking that is what
modelling is all about, you could be right, but I don’t know.”
Did your job help you, was the next question we put to her?
"My job requires me to have a good appearance at all times and that
I think helps. I think it has given me the confidence to deal with
people and react to them in a very positive manner and I think this
has helped me. My job also helps me to learn about my body language
and posture, again useful."

This naturally led on to our next question, which was, “Do you
have a sponsor yet for Miss England?” Chloe responded
"No. I only have a few weeks to get one in. If any of your readers
could help me that would be so amazing. I think the fee is around
£1,500 to enter, so I am looking for as much support as I can get."

Unsurprisingly we had to ask if Easy Jet help sponsor her? "I
don't know. I would not think I could get them to agree before the
deadline, but I am asking anyway. I would think though, a Southport
based firm would be best placed to sponsor me. That way I can get the
town more good publicity, as well as giving that business fantastic
national exposure. But if my employers said yes, I would be made

Do you have any events planned as Miss Southport 2007? "Yes, I
have two events planned and organized so far. As it surprised me that
I should win, I have not thought about it fully at this stage. One
idea I have had is a charity night in my home town, New Brighton.
That will be held in a few weeks time. The other is in Southport. It
will be my first guest appearance as Miss Southport 2007 at the
re-opening of the Underground Club. I am planning other nights in
Southport, so I can use my title to help the businesses in Southport
and the Southport community. Again if any of your Southport readers
would like me to help, at an event, they can contact me through you and
I will do my best to help them."

Click on to see last year's Miss
Southport report:-
Mr & Miss Southport 2006
The a high resolution image of
Chloe Davies can be
download (as seen in the thumb nail opposite) by click on
the pay pal logo.
The image is only £2.00 to
download, but for personal use only.
All sales of this image will
be split between or photographer and Chloe Davies.
Copyright of the image
remains with Patrick Trollope. |