Southport St Georges
Parade 2007

THIS year's annual Southport and
district Scouts, Beavers and Cubs, St Georges Parade
took place on Sunday 22 April 2007 in Southport as
normal. This time though the parade ended at Ocean Plaza
instead of Victoria Park.

As it snacked passed the Monument onto
Nevill Street the rain was threatening to put a dampener
on the proceedings. Thankfully for all the young kids
who took park, the rain held off. Well done to all who
took part as it was a good advert for the Scouting
here to see more
Southport Town Center...
Anti-Social Behavior
AFTER lots of problems with a
small minority of young people, Sefton and Merseyside
police have made a designated area with in the town
centre. The plan has been put in place under Section 30
of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003. It is hoped it
will combat the ever growing problem of anti-social
behaviour. The area boundary includes Chapel Street,
East Bank Street, Princes Street, Portland Street, Lord
Street and London Street with in Southport town centre.
Also included are the Marine Parade, Neville Street,
London Street to the junction with Hawesside Street as
well as the Railway Station and Concourse. Police offers
now have the power to brake up groups of two or more
people. Send under 16's home. Arrest anyone who ignores
their instructions.
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