Bringing respect to Liverpool
initiative, which runs until Sunday 20 May 2007, will be under the
‘Respect’ banner. Liverpool is one of 40 ‘zones’
around the country given additional funds by the Home Office to
tackle anti social behaviour and other challenges. Safer and
Stronger communities money is also being used.
The week-long initiative has been organised by Liverpool First
partners including the city council, Merseyside Police, Mersey Fire
and Rescue Service and the Primary Care Trust and others. It is
designed to tackle issues of concern for the local community,
• Crime and anti-social behaviour
• Children playing truant from school
• Litter and fly tipping, vandalism and graffiti
• Education, employment and training opportunities
• Derelict and vacant properties
• Substance misuse
Councillor Dave Antrobus, Liverpool city council’s executive member
for community safety, said:- “This is the first of a series of
major initiatives across the city to improve life for local
It will help to reinforce the broader Respect campaign and show how
we can work together in new and imaginative ways to further improve
the quality of the environment and people’s lives.
It will add to the excellent work already being undertaken by many
public, private and voluntary sector organisations in the
“his will not be just a one off operation - it is part of a
sustainable plan to continually tackle the issues that local people
want dealt with.
This is not just about tackling the challenges in the area via
targeted enforcement activity, but providing opportunities for the
local community through youth projects and education and employment
The partnership working which has gone in to putting this on is
unprecedented and there is a real determination from all the
agencies involved to work with local people to improve their lives.”
Merseyside Police will be carrying out crime prevention and road
safety initiatives, and working with the city council’s truancy
watch officers to pick up children who are skipping school.
Chief Inspector Kevin Johnson said:- "Merseyside Police fully
supports the Respect initiative and we are working with our partners
to build on the successful work that has already been carried out in
tackling anti social behaviour within the Tuebrook and Stoneycroft
This week of activity gives us an opportunity to build on the
existing partnership working with key partners and complement the
work of other agencies in our fight to reduce crime and anti social
Whilst this is just one week of concerted action, it is part of a
long-term strategy to reduce crime and anti social in our
There will also be a crackdown on fly tipping, graffiti, litter
louts and dog fouling, while trading standards and licensing
officials will also be in the area throughout the week.
And the city council’s youth service will be engaging and consulting
with local teenagers during the evening with the aim of creating a
permanent facility in the area.
Other activities taking place throughout the week included:-
• Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service issuing smoke detectors and
giving fire prevention advice
• The Streets Ahead team knocking on doors offering employment and
training advice to people
who are currently out of work
• A jobs café run by the JET (Job and Employment Training) team
• Adult education taster sessions at Newsham Adult Learning Centre
Every home in the area has received a leaflet giving information
about the initiative and how to find out more.
Local residents can find out more about events taking place as part
of the Respect initiative by calling 0151 233 3018 or
email. |
Jubilee Sailing Trust Announce...

THE Jubilee
Sailing Trust is delighted to be able to announce that it has
secured funding to help local disabled people experience their own
tall ship adventure, thanks to a kind donation of £1000 from the
Liverpool Sailor's Home Trust.
The Jubilee Sailing Trust provides opportunities to thousands of
people every year to experience the thrill of a lifetime, sailing
one of its majestic tall ships, regardless of physical ability. Our
aim is to promote the integration of people of all physical
The Jubilee Sailing Trust (JST) was established in 1978 and operates
under the patronage of HRH The Duke of York. The aim of the charity
is to promote integration between able bodied and physically
disabled men and women through the adventure of tall ship sailing.
The JST has been in operation for nearly 30 years and in that time
has taken over 28,500 people to sea including 11,000 people with
physical disabilities and 4,200 wheelchair users. LORD NELSON and
TENACIOUS have many special facilities that enable disabled
crewmembers to take an active part in the running of the ship.
Facilities on board include wide decks for wheelchair users, a
speaking compass to enable blind people to helm the ship, power
assisted hydraulic steering for those with limited strength and much
Everyone on board the ship has a vital role to play irrespective of
ability, disability, age or gender. The success of each voyage
depends on teamwork and working with individuals' strengths, not
weaknesses. For many people sailing with the JST has been a life
changing experience, for others simply a fantastic adventure
The JST website can be found at
Keep updated with life onboard with our daily web reports, emailed
everyday from LORD NELSON and TENACIOUS.
Letters To Editor:- "Lost Dog Info."
"Hi, saw you
had a reader who has lost her dog. I am Angie, Angelita Northern
Co-ordinator on, if you go on the
site can you put her on.
Someone on Doglost suggests contacting the mobile phone company,
explain what happened and see if they can forward calls to your new
phone number, worth a try?
We were at Ainsdale on Monday afternoon but did not see any dogs,
will search again.
Can you let me know of any sightings so I can get helpers out
straight away, my numbers with the Southport Reporter.
I have helped get lots of dogs back, go on the site and look in the
reunited section at BobbyD, Amadeus, George.. George was stolen from
Freshfields and a poster I put in McDonalds got him back. A man had
bought him, out of the area, came into Southport and saw the poster.
The posters work, need to get them up all over the town centre, bus
stops, pubs, cafes, market, McDonalds, everywhere, I can help poster
or search if you want." Angie
Letter is reply to
this story 'Its like losing your daughter!' that we ran last week. The dog
below is still lost.