THE CPP Group,
a leading international Life Assistance organisation, is urging
people to better safeguard themselves against all different types of
identity theft, due to an alarming rise in identity theft fraud this
year. With account takeover crime (where a fraudster takes
control of your bank account) up 24% in the first 3 months of this
year, and mobile phone contract crime and credit card applications
staying consistently high (22% and 34% of all identity fraud cases),
consumers need to be aware that identity theft fraud can take a
number of different guises.
CPP identity theft data shows an increase of 313% in the number of
serious fraud cases from March 2006 – March 2007. And not only is
there an increasing number of different ways criminals are now using
people’s identities for fraudulent purposes, they are increasingly
using 1 identity for a multitude of crimes. The number of instances
of identity theft reported per claim has risen by more than double,
with now an average of 6 companies being defrauded by criminals
using just 1 person’s identity and in some cases up to 40 companies
becoming victim. This rise in multiple identity theft fraud
has also had a knock on effect on how long it takes to resolve an
identity theft case. Currently, it takes around 8 to 10 weeks to
resolve a case with companies now requiring further proof and
evidence to show the validity of a claim. Case amounts are currently
average £6,000, making identity theft a very lucrative business.
Most Popular Types of Identity Theft by Percentage
Types of Identity theft |
Dec |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
Mobile Phone |
34% |
37% |
42% |
21% |
Credit Card Applications |
25% |
22% |
21% |
20% |
Account Takeover |
6% |
19% |
23% |
30% |
Loans (unsecured) |
16% |
8% |
15% |
17% |
Car Lease |
3% |
1% |
Cloned Car Number Plate |
3% |
5% |
2% |
Bank Account Opened |
16% |
2% |
15% |
8% |
Catalogue / Store Cards |
19% |
24% |
23% |
3% |
Case/Fraud types exceed 100% due to some cases containing more than
1 type of fraud
Danny Harris, identity theft expert at CPP, comments:-
“Consumers are still not aware that identity theft fraud takes place
in a number of different ways and therefore are still not protecting
themselves sufficiently or at the very least knowing what to look
out for in case they have become a victim of an identity theft
crime. Identity theft can happen in any number of ways and
only a few personal details are needed. These can be obtained by
fraudsters in several ways; cold-calling, phishing, mail
interception and skimming are just some of the methods of
determining individuals’ personal information which are then used
for fraudulent purposes such as account takeovers and taking out
mobile phone contracts.
Over the past year we have seen not only an increase in the
number of cases of identity theft, but also in complexity and size.
We have noticed a multitude of frauds in each case. Once the
fraudster has got hold of enough information to commit identity
fraud, they approach a number of financial institutions as well as
other service providers in a short space of time and then sit back
to reap the rewards.”
Identity Theft Crimes Glossary and Further Analysis
"Account takeover fraud" is where criminals use fraudulently
obtained personal information and card details to deceive a bank or
card company into believing they are the genuine cardholder.
Fraudsters then take over and start accessing the cardholders
"Mobile phone contract fraud" is where criminals take out
mobile phone contracts in other peoples names. The frequency of
fraudulent mobile phone contracts is high as it only requires a
couple of documents with your name and address such as a bank
statement, a utility bills or a pay slip. These items can be easily
obtained by numerous methods – mail redirection, mail interception,
bin raiding and the purchase of fake personal identifying documents
from the internet. This type of crime is relatively quick and easy
but the reward is lower.
"Credit card application and unsecured loans fraud" happens
when a criminal opens up a credit card or applies for a loan in
someone else’s name. An unsecured loan can be more difficult to gain
and may require more personal information. In such circumstances an
identity fraudster will look at how to get this information. This
can be done through social engineering (including asking people in
the streets as part of surveys, door step selling and bogus phone
calls), theft of personal documents (burglary a prime example) or
institutional theft (hacking into company databases, theft of
laptops, corrupt employees selling details). Once armed with this
information it is possible to purchase all of the fake documents
which are needed to commit the taking out of a false loan.
"False bank" accounts are currently a low risk identity theft
fraud although it has high rewards. This is due to the time it takes
to build up a relationship with the bank before they can then go on
to take out credit cards and loans fraudulently. For some
fraudsters, they are not willing to spend so much time into it.
"Car lease fraud" happens when a criminal leases a car in
someone else's name. It is low risk, however once this crime has
been committed it can take many weeks to rectify. However, with the
increased prevalence of false documents being available for sale on
the internet this looks set to increase.
"Number plate cloning" has stayed consistently low. This is
probably due to the fact that there is limited financial gain in car
plate cloning. It is often done to avoid detection and prosecution
if the criminals are driving a stolen car or committing more serious
crimes such as robbery. Number plate cloning is expected to increase
as more cities introduce congestion charges and due to the relative
ease and cheapness in which people can purchase false plates from
the internet.
"Taking out false catalogue / store cards", usually happens
around busy shopping times such as Christmas and New Year. As more
people hit the shops around Christmas and the New Year sales period,
the fraudsters take advantage of the large amount of applications
usually taken out in this period as they are less likely to be found
out. |
Future of the internet revealed
driving lessons, online truancy alerts for parents and reporting bad
drivers are just some of the services that people in the North West
of England long to have online, according to research. The study
commissioned by public services supersite, asked
parents, teenagers, over 50s, motorists and disabled people what one
service they want to be available online and the results provide an
interesting vision for the future of the web.
Parents - the virtual school: 20% of parents in the North
West most want to receive immediate online alerts if their child
hasn't turned up for registration at school. Getting more involved
in school life is also a priority, with 10% wanting to view the
school's disciplinary record online and 8% wanting to use the web to
have say in the running of their child's school, such as attending
online PTA meetings. Supporting their child's learning was a key
theme, with 1 in 12 North West parents hoping that the internet
might one day enable them to have a secure webcam in their child's
classroom - and in separate focus group sessions, parents said
they'd like to be able to play back school lessons to help with
Young people - planning for the future:- Almost a quarter of
14-18 year olds in the North West said they'd most want to be able
to have virtual driving lessons and 20% would like to be able to
take virtual tours of colleges and universities. 1 in 7 most want to
be able to have job interviews online and almost 1 in 10 want to be
able to ditch the traditional Saturday job to earn money online
using their skills. So it seems that despite their reputation for
gaming and chatting online, the North West's young people most want
to be able to use the internet as a tool to improve themselves.
Over 50s - staying connected:- More than a 5th of over 50s
most want an online guide to local services for their age group,
including transport, leisure, learning and health and 12% want to
stay in better touch with friends and family via webcams and video
conferencing. 1 in 14 most want to be able to track their pension
online in future and the same number are concerned about having
continued access to the internet - wanting to ensure that they could
continue to use it despite any physical impairment. Interestingly,
some of the services most desired by the over 50s already exist or
will be available in the near future on websites such as suggesting that this generation may
be failing to take advantage of the web.
Motorists - responsible driving:- For motorists in the North
West, services which would save them time and make them a more
responsible driver are a priority. A quarter most want to be able to
renew their car tax and 1 in 6 want to be able to calculate the
exact carbon emissions of their car online - the highest figure in
the UK. 14% most want to check the history of their 2nd hand car on
the web and 1 in 10 want to use the internet to get insurance quotes
after an accident. A similar number want to be able to use the
internet to report bad drivers.
Disabled people - passport to freedom:- For disabled people in
the North West the most desired future services are those which
could allow them more freedom and save them time. 1 in 7 most want
the ability to plan journeys with accessibility mapped out according
to their requirements and 1 in 10 would most like to test drive an
adapted car online. Having face-to-face health check-ups, a voice
service which would provide verbal information in response to
questions and being able to attend their favourite theatre
productions online were named as the most important future online
services for 1 in 14 respondents respectively.
Spencer Kelly of the BBC's flagship technology programme, Click,
said:- "Internet technology is developing all the time and
every group in society will benefit as its capabilities grow.
Although some of the responses from the study may seem a little
farfetched, there is no reason why you wouldn't be able to have a
job interview or attend the theatre online in future - after all, 10
years ago who'd have thought you would be able to do any of the
things we now take for granted at the click of a button?"
Jayne Nicakalls, Director of Directgov explains the thinking behind
the research:- "With 62% of respondents in the North West
saying that the internet is invaluable in helping them to manage
their lives, this project helps us to understand what information
people want and to scope out the future of online services. Although
each group has different needs and priorities, some themes did
emerge; staying connected with friends and family, saving time and
hassle by increasingly moving to web-based contact with public
services and tools that enhance life experiences. With 55% of
North West respondents saying they want more government services in
one place online, all of the insights we gained will be taken into
consideration as we plan the future of Directgov. The site currently
offers a wide range of services and there's something for everyone,
from advice on schools, applying for a driving license and finding a
job, to understanding benefits rights, planning a journey and
finding out about local recycling schemes."
Store’s search to find new glamour girl

WANNABE glamour
models are being given the chance to become the face of leading high
street adult shop Nice ‘n’ Naughty.
Director Simon Prescott is looking for a star in the making to
feature in the company’s next advertising campaign. “It’s
a great opportunity for someone looking to break into modelling. The
winner will be seen by thousands of people visiting our chain of
stores,” he added.
Nice ‘n’ Naughty is the fastest growing adult chain in the UK and
has stores across Merseyside, Cheshire, Greater Manchester and North
Entrants need to be over the age of 18 and should send a recent
photograph along with daytime contact details to Nice ‘n’ Naughty
Model Contest, c/o Rossiter Media, 19, Museum Street, Warrington,
WA1 1JA or by email to
A short list of finalists will be asked to attend a photocall at the
Nice ‘n’ Naughty store in London Street, Southport, where the winner
will be crowned by a judging panel. |