FOR years
women have lived their love lives by the rules – but now Big D, the
nation’s cheekiest pub snack, are calling on men in Liverpool to
stand up and fight back. Big D are hunting for the top 10
dating rules for blokes by targeting pubs across Liverpool. The
competition is being run in support of the Everyman campaign to
raise awareness of prostate and testicular cancer.
These aren’t the rules that you think you should use, they are the
rules you really want to live by… the ones that you talk to your
mates about in the pub. Have you made a vow never to call after the
first date? Or, do you always flirt with the barmaid to keep your
date on her toes?
Big D Babe Malene said:- “We want to make sure men know about
2 important issues, how to bag a date and how to look after their
Send your ideas to and
anyone selected to appear in the Big D Top 10 will receive a years
supply of nuts, signed merchandise featuring Big D Babe Malene and
see their Big D Rule on pub cards and beer mats across the country.
Not only that, one of the 10 winners will also win a night out with
Malene and their mates at the pub and appear in a film set to be
broadcast on the internet.
Iain Paton, Marketing Controller at Big D, said:- “This is a
fun way of highlighting a serious subject and we would encourage
every man out there to follow the golden rule when it comes to
cancer prevention and ensure they carry out regular checks.”
Rules we have already seen include:-
* The first 2 months of the relationship do not count – it will not
stay this way – life moves on, get over it.
* Men are not mind readers and our lack of telepathic skills is not
proof we don’t like you.
* Anything said more than a week ago is not admissible in an
argument, we can barely remember what we said yesterday.
Big D - Proud to support Everyman’s campaign to raise awareness of
Prostate and Testicular Cancer.
Terms and Conditions...
All entrants must be 18 years or over and residents of the UK. No
employees of Trigon Snacks Limited, who make Big D, are eligible to
enter the competition. Entry is limited to one per person, and
although more than one rule can be included in an entry, no more
than one winning rule per person will be permitted. All entries must
be received by us by 5:00 p.m. on 30 June 2007. The top ten winners
will be chosen by a panel, which shall contain an independent judge.
If there is more than one version of the same rule, the winner will
be chosen by a draw, also conducted by the panel. The top ten
winners will then be entered into a draw and the winner of the
evening with Malene in the pub will be drawn by the panel from that
draw. The panel's decision will at all times be final.
A year’s supply of nuts is defined as 288 50g packets of salted Big
D peanuts. These will be delivered by post over the course of 12
months to the top ten winners.
The evening at the pub will be held in a Big D associated pub with a
maximum of £500 to spend on beer or food. No cash will be given out.
The prize will be in the form of a tab in the selected pub. A cash
alternative is not available. Malene’s appearance at the pub (on a
date and time chosen by us) will be limited to two hours, which will
include the recording of the short film. The number of mates who can
join the winner at the pub is limited to 20, including the winner.
All winners will be notified by post or email within 21 days of the
Panel's decision and the subsequent draw(s). Winners’ names will
also be posted on the Big D website.
By submitting your entry to Big D, you agree to Trigon Snacks
Limited using your entry for any and all publicity purposes
(including newspaper, TV, radio and web based PR and marketing
activities). In addition, by submitting your entry, you agree to
assign the copyright in your rule to Trigon Snacks Limited on their
request. Winners also agree to participate in all reasonable
publicity. This not being run by PCBT Photography or any
of its trading names. |
Ignorance of fluoride benefits could prevent improvements in oral
A NEW UK-wide
dental survey has revealed that people have little or no
understanding of what fluoride is. The National Smile Month
Survey, commissioned by leading independent charity the British
Dental Health Foundation in association with Healthplan provider HSA,
found that 13% believed fluoride was a mint flavour; 12% a tooth
whitening product and 15% a marketing gimmick.
Dr Nigel Carter, chief executive of the Foundation, commented:-
“It is a big concern that people know so little about fluoride –
especially when strategic health authorities are starting
consultations on new water fluoridation schemes. The
Foundation is in strong support of the fluoridation of public
drinking water supplies to improve oral health and there have been a
number of high level scientific reviews that support our position.
A study by the University of York for Reviews and Dissemination
analysed a large number of research studies and found that children
living in areas with a fluoridated water supply were 15% more likely
to be free from decay. Fluoride is a naturally occurring
mineral that is present to some degree in all water. It works by
strengthening the enamel as it forms, making it more resistant to
decay. It has already been added to the water supply in
Birmingham for over 40 years - with excellent results in improved
oral health.
As a practitioner on the borders of Birmingham
and Sandwell in the early 1980s the effect of fluoride was so
noticeable that we could tell which side of the road children came
from by the state of their teeth. At the time Birmingham was
fluoridated and Sandwell was not. Since Sandwell was fluoridated in
1987 (the last scheme to be introduced) it has gone from nearly
bottom in the oral health league to nearly top. It is the
Foundation’s strong belief is that adding fluoride to the water
supply is the best and most cost effective way of achieving a major
improvement in oral health in this country.”
The research also found that 28% of people thought that their water
supply was fluoridated – more than twice the true figure of 11%.
More than 40% admitted they had ‘no idea’ whether their water
supply was fluoridated.
Abby Bowman, spokesperson for HSA, commented:- “As well as the
important role fluoride can play in maintaining good oral health,
regular visits to the dentist are also vital.”
Euro-MPs ban new Mercury Barometers
LOCAL Labour
Euro MP, Arlene McCarthy welcomed an EU-wide ban on old-fashioned
mercury barometers, which comes as part of global efforts to reduce
the amount of mercury in everyday life. She is a Local Labour
Euro MP and Chair of the Consumer Protection Committee and she
said;- "We know that mercury is dangerous. It is one of the
most toxic substances you can put in a human body. It is known to
contribute to neurological disorders, including autism, dementia,
and even Alzheimer's disease. Mercury is also accumulative
building up in the human body over time, which for 1in6 women means
they can pass on above average levels of mercury to their unborn
child. Children no longer play with Mercury in school science
classes. The overwhelming majority of modern barometers are not made
with mercury. Where we don't need it or where there are alternative
safer substances we should get rid of it.” Arlene
added:- "Some British MEPs including Chris Davies MEP are
saying this is the EU meddling with a British tradition – the
barometer. They are ignoring the scientific fact and gambling with
people’s health. This ban will not affect people buying new
modern barometers for their homes, and the very small number of
companies making new mercury barometers will have two years to
adjust their businesses. This is about taking sensible precautions
to protect public health and the environment." |