Woodvale Rally 2007

THIS year’s
event at RAF Woodvale was a stunning success. It seems to grow in
popularity year by year. The crowds were simply flocking in on
Saturday and Sunday. There was a fear that it would not be so well
attended, because of the inclement weather recently, but over the
aerodrome the rain clouds held off and it was pleasantly hot.
Those people who came by car had the pleasure of being lifted to and
from the car parking area on historic double decker buses. The
stewards on duty were plentiful, courteous and very obligingly
helpful. There were regular service buses to and from Southport, and
all stops to Liverpool, a short walk from the entrances.
The varied stalls selling model aeroplane kits, even assembled ready
to fly ones, as well as many stalls with those necessary
accessories, which are always needed, were well attended by people
seeking advice, along with bits and pieces. Most seemed only too
pleased to discuss problems and offer advice.
Among the other many different stalls and marquees ranging from
clothing, to tools, to working models, I found model trains of
various different gauges running on scenic tracts. The Gauge O set
held me spell-bound for a while and revived some of my childhood
memories; a fine effort by the North West Model Railway Club.
Another marquee was filled with model ships and boats. Both of which
were well set out and were very excitingly interesting.
I found the people involved with the two Tank Steam Engines very
friendly. They had set up a temporary running rail track for the
engines to move along. Well done Ribble Steam Railway from the
Riversway Docklands in Preston.
The children, of all ages, 5 to 90 years of age, were seemingly well
catered for. They all appeared to be having a whale of a time! The
Fun Fair, with all the exciting thrills, was very popular.
There were the usual mobile catering people keeping the visitors and
the participants well fuelled! There seem to be even more people
camping on the site this year than in previous years, but perhaps
that was just my imagination.
The main attraction, of course, was the Flying of the model
aircraft. There were flying displays with ground and aerial
explosions. There were numerous scale sizes and there were many very
varied aircraft being flown. I saw World War 2 planes, some even
earlier and others later, some flew with lights on them, other made
smoke trails, and the standard of the control flying was superb. The
loving care put into the construction and maintenance of the flying
models is fantastic. Such a wonderful hobby and sport being
demonstrated by such skilled and dedicated people deserves a tribute
and some form of recognition.
Not only that but the
show also had not one, but three working steam engines!
On display was a local Microlight, from the West Lancashire
Microlight school, that will soon be conducting a world record
attempt off Formby Point! Two working Merlin Rolls-Royce
engines that where fired up and run on the runway producing a
fantastic sound that most aviation enthusiast crave... Also two real
life helicopters, one of them the Merseyside Police helicopter the
other a real Vietnam
Bell Huey! The only one
out side the USA owned by a civilian and not only that but flying in
the original US army colours and marking!
Thank you, Woodvale Rally for a wonderful weekend. Well done all who
organised the event and all the helpers.
Also just to note
2008 should be bigger and better still, so we can not wait to find
out what is in stall.... |

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