A mid-term
report for Euro-MPs in the North West suggests that while some are
working hard, others “could do better”.
Statistics from the European Parliament website for the first 3
years of the MEP’s 5 year term show a wide variation in
parliamentary activity. The North West region of nearly 7
million people is represented in total by 9 MEPs: 3 Conservative, 3
Labour, 2 Liberal Democrat and 1 UKIP.
Liberal Democrat Chris Davies asked 280 parliamentary questions and
made 43 speeches, topping the regional poll and ranking 2nd of all
UK MEPs. His party colleague Sajjad Karim achieved 2nd place with
168 questions and the same number of speeches. But the
region’s Conservative David Sumberg asked only 1 question and made 1
speech, ranking him at the bottom of MEP activity in the UK.
Mr Sumberg, who recently announced his intention not to stand again,
also has one of the lowest Parliamentary attendance records of any
Chris Davies, who is the Liberal Democrat environment spokesman in
the European Parliament, said he was surprised to learn that his
parliamentary activity was well above average. He said:-
"I certainly didn’t set out to set a record but I suppose it is a
reflection of the variety of work I manage to get through in the
European Parliament. I table questions on behalf of
constituents who need information on a particular issue that
concerns them, lobbyists who want to find out the Commission’s
position on a topic, and of course to answer my own questions on
both environmental and other issues I choose to pursue.”
Commenting on Mr Sumberg’s contribution he said:- “Most MEPs
who have served in the House of Commons know that work in the
European Parliament can be more effective. If I were a Conservative
voter I would want to ask Mr Sumberg a few questions about his
These statistics for parliamentary questions and speeches are taken
from the European Parliament website. They cover the period from
June 2004 to June 2007 – the first 3 years of the MEPs 5 year term.
The statistics for attendance are taken from official European
Parliament statistics and cover July 2006 – June 2007.
Party |
Number of questions |
Number of speeches |
Sir Robert Atkins |
Conservative |
13 |
14 |
Chris Davies |
Liberal Democrat
280 |
43 |
Den Dover |
Conservative |
4 |
14 |
Sajjad Karim |
Liberal Democrat |
168 |
43 |
Arlene McCarthy |
Labour |
13 |
25 |
Brian Simpson* |
Labour |
6 |
4 |
David Sumberg |
Conservative |
1 |
1 |
Gary Titley |
Labour |
34 |
41 |
John Whittaker |
1 |
37 |
Party |
% Presence at plenary
sessions July 2006 – June 2007 |
Number of absences at
plenary sessions July 2006 to June 2007 |
Sir Robert Atkins |
Conservative |
89.83 |
6 |
Chris Davies |
Liberal Democrat
89.83 |
6 |
Den Dover |
Conservative |
98.31 |
1 |
Sajjad Karim |
Liberal Democrat |
77.97 |
13 |
Arlene McCarthy |
Labour |
64.41 |
21 |
Brian Simpson* |
Labour |
91.53 |
5 |
David Sumberg |
Conservative |
54.24 |
27 |
Gary Titley |
Labour |
89.83 |
6 |
John Whittaker |
49.15 |
30 |
* Brian Simpson
took up his position in September 2006 replacing Terry Wynn. The
combined total of Mr Wynn and Mr Simpson is 22 questions and 17
Traffic information for motorists to be fine tuned...
key routes into the city are to benefit from improved traffic
information to cut journey times in the event of unplanned traffic
A new messaging schedule and timetable is being
developed for the Variable Messaging Signs (VMS) system which will
give immediate information on unplanned incidents and emergencies
meaning motorists will be able to avoid congestion more easily.
Currently messages displayed on the 29 signs on the main routes into
the city are dictated by government regulations and any further ‘non-standard
messages’ need specific approval from the Department for
Cllr Barbara Mace, assistant executive member for regeneration,
said:- “We have made a considerable investment in the VMS
system which is used to give information on roadworks and events as
well as to display road safety messages. We now need to make
sure we respond more effectively to unplanned incidents and only to
use road safety messages at appropriate times to ensure they do not
lose their impact. The new schedule of messages reflecting
planned highway works and special events will also help those who
have to travel in and around Liverpool everyday plan their routes.
It will also provide information for the expected influx of visitors
for Capital of Culture in 2008 and in subsequent years.”
VMS is part of the wider Urban Traffic Control (UTC) system and is
operated from a city centre control room by 2020 Liverpool on behalf
of the city council. The system is to be upgraded over the
next 2 years to provide congestion and journey time monitoring
information which will be displayed on the signs to help motorists
plan their routes.
Cllr Mace added:- “Protocols are being established within UTC
to ensure that the VMS system is used immediately as a routine part
of the response to unplanned incidents.
We are also working
with the emergency services to make sure that the system is used to
its full potential when dealing with emergencies.”
NFSP statement on postal strike action
National Federation of SubPostmasters (NFSP) wishes to make clear
that its members are not involved in the latest wave of strike
action affecting other parts of the postal services sector, which is
scheduled to run for a week starting last Friday, the 10 August
The UK 's network of sub post offices - which make up 97% of the
national post office network - is unaffected and will remain open
for business as usual.
NFSP General Secretary George Thomson said:- "A lengthy
dispute will undoubtedly inconvenience both private and business
mail users, and therefore cause damage to the postal services
industry as a whole. We are concerned that this will
ultimately weaken Royal Mail Group and therefore the Post Office. In
view of this, we urge all sides to re-double their efforts to reach
a satisfactory conclusion to this dispute as soon as possible."
THE Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) and MERBEN (Merseyside
Business Environment Network) would like to invite you to a
procurement seminar designed to highlight tendering opportunities
within the NHS, and also the skills needed by small and medium sized
enterprises to ensure access to local NHS contracts. The NHS
procurement annual budget for the North West alone is over £2.2
By integrating sustainable development into their business
practices, the NHS recognises that through its interactions with
stakeholders, and by considering what it purchases and how it
purchases, progress can be made towards achieving greater social
inclusion and equity, as well as improving the health of the
community it serves.
Purchasing has direct social, environmental and economic impacts,
and presents an ideal opportunity to reduce the risks of health
inequalities which can come with a degraded environment,
unemployment, poverty and social inclusion.
This event aims to highlight tendering opportunities within the NHS
whilst also outlining support for businesses to up skill, develop
and access information on potential business opportunities.
Date:- 26 September 2007
Venue:- Village Hotel, Pool Lane, Bromborough, Wirral, Merseyside
CH62 4UE
Time:- 9.00am -12.00 noon
To register
email, or
telephone 0151 645 5694/fax 0151 645 5694 |