Free maps for Liverpool schoolchildren
in Liverpool are being encouraged not to miss out on Ordnance
Survey's annual free maps for 11-year-olds initiative.
Thousands of pupils across the 53 schools in the city eligible for
the scheme could miss out as so far only a quarter of schools have
placed an order. The scheme offers every Year 7 pupil a free
1:25 000 scale OS Explorer Map of their local area. It has received
an overwhelming response since its launch in 2002, with almost 4
million maps distributed across Great Britain.
Studies into the initiative show that it has significantly fostered
the teaching and learning of geography and extended pupils'
understanding and enthusiasm for using maps. It not only
supports geography and environmental studies but also helps to
encourage pupils and their families to get out and about to explore
their local community. It has been praised by teaching
professionals, pupils and parents alike.
"The maps are helping young people across the country to
develop vital skills in interpreting geographic information.
These skills will support them in their future
lives, whether they are looking at mapping on paper or on a computer
screen." says Vanessa Lawrence, Ordnance Survey's Director General and Chief
Steve Brace, Head of Education at the Royal Geographical Society
comments:- "There is no better introduction to your local
geography than an Ordnance Survey map. They can help spark a
curiosity about the world that will last well beyond a pupil's
geography lessons."
This year pupils are being encouraged to design their own map symbol
through a special competition. They can win a day with survival
expert and television presenter Ray Mears learning navigation and
bushcraft skills. In a new competition for teachers, Ray Mears
has also offered to work with a school using their free maps
outdoors. He will choose his personal favourite from all the entries
describing imaginative projects or exercises involving the free maps
scheme. The winning school will then be contacted to arrange a visit
from him.
Teachers across Britain are invited to order the free maps on behalf
of their pupils at the start of the autumn term. They are made
available for Year 7 as this is the point at which map skills are
mandatory under the national curriculum in England and Wales and the
national guidelines for education in Scotland. Ordnance Survey
is keen to make the free maps initiative as inclusive as possible.
Teachers of children with visual impairment are being encouraged to
download free extracts of the same 1: 25 000 scale information shown
on the maps from the Get-a-map service on Ordnance Survey's
It is easy to save and enlarge the extracts for teaching purposes.
The free maps scheme was honoured twice last year by the charity
Business in the Community. The initiative won an official Big Tick
for responsible business practice and was shortlisted for the
Merrill Lynch Investing in Young People Award.
Ordnance Survey's
website for children is playing an increasingly important role in the free maps scheme
by offering interactive games and activities online. It recently won
a gold award from the Geographical Association for the quality of
its GIS Zone learning resource.
The scheme, coupled with Ordnance Survey's work with Scouts and
Scout Leaders at this year's 21st World Scout Jamboree, demonstrates
the organisation's commitment to education and to helping people of
all ages and abilities to make the most of the great outdoors.
To take advantage of the scheme, teachers must place their order by
9 November 2007 on the Ordnance Survey free maps
For more information call the free maps helpline on 0845 337 3133. |
NEW build
property dwellers are losing out at the hands of property
developers, paying up to a staggering £15 million in additional
charges every year for receiving their gas through private pipe
lines, without their knowledge. Traditionally, all gas pipes
were connected to the mains gas network by National Grid Transco.
However in a cost cutting exercise, developers are now turning to
private companies (IGT – Independent Gas Transporters) to lay pipe
work, thereby reducing initial connection charges.
Research by, the price comparison and switching
service, reveals that 56% of new home dwellers in the UK were not
aware of the higher charges associated with an IGT network.
Furthermore, 96% of them were not informed of this at the time of
purchase or rental, leaving them with no alternative but to pick up
the additional costs long-term. In the North West, a total of
18,110 properties are set to be completed by the end of this year
leaving buyers and renters susceptible to higher energy bills. This
is only set to get worse with Gordon Brown pledging to build 3
million new homes across the UK by 2020.
Karen Darby, from, comments:- “3 out of the big 6
suppliers are currently charging their customers more for receiving
their gas through an IGT network. These charges are often hidden,
resulting in a higher unit rate and / or a yearly supplemental
According to our research, 54% of consumers don’t know
which mains gas network they are serviced by and it’s only at the
point of switching and / or set-up of their utilities they realise.
This can be very frustrating for the customer who is effectively
picking up the tab for the developer year on year, and the initial
savings made during construction are unlikely to have been passed on
to them in terms of property price and / or rental rate”.
The research also indicated that 90% of customers felt they should
have been told about their gas configuration before committing to a
property. 32% cited the developer as the party most responsible for
communicating this information whilst the solicitor (18%), vendor
(15%) and estate agent (14%) closely followed.
Karen Darby concludes:- “Industry regulator Ofgem is
estimating that by 2008, over 1 million homes and businesses will be
connected to an IGT network. At present we are facing a situation
whereby consumers on the same street may be paying much higher rates
for their gas because of where they live. In addition, some
suppliers have started to exclude IGT customers from certain new
tariffs coming onto the market such as capped, fixed or online and
the choice of payment methods is limited. In an era of soaring
energy prices it seems unfair that an increasing number of people
are paying over the odds and are not receiving the same benefits of
competition and choice”.
To find the best energy deals visit or call
free on 0800 781 12 12.