The Ninth British
Musical Fireworks Championships

THIS year we had the usual great
entertainment from six competitors, two on Friday, 5
October 2007, two on Saturday, 7 October 2007 and two on
Sunday. What an excellent show they each put up. Some
were absolutely mind-boggling, while others were
excellent; so we had a show on each evening, which was
musically, and artistically stunning. Even the weather
on both Friday and Saturday was perfect for firework
display. On the Sunday, under heavy cloud, an
inconsequential light breeze wafted the smoke towards
Morrison's Supermarket, the thousands of spectators, who
eagerly awaited the displays, were not at any time
disappointed. The commentator, Simon Smithies, kept the
show moving with a very knowledgeable series of
commentaries. The annual Education session was very
interesting, even to those who have heard it before and
the warning about safety concerning buying and using
Fireworks at home was most apt.
Each evening, on the Marine Lake, we were entertained by
past competition winners and the British Fireworks
Champion of Champions, Jubilee Fireworks, to an
enchantingly magical 'Son et Lumiere'
using the most advanced computerised firing system,
'Fire One'. This new pyro-presentation,
entitled 'Lake of Dreams', used the lake's
reflections of the fireworks to enhance the visual
subtle effects and low level illuminations, which held
many spellbound. It was a real proof that water and fire
can be mixed!
'Festival Fireworks UK', from Sussex, were the
first to fire on Friday. They set a very high standard
for the others to follow. They are the only importer of
fireworks manufactured in China with an ISO
accreditation. Their display was absolutely stunning
from beginning to end. They were followed by a very
enthusiastic and fast growing six years old company
called 'Pyromania Displays'. They put on
an excellent reply to the previous team, but were not
quite able to put Festival Fireworks totally into the shade. A
stunning beginning to the competition now signalled that
there was a great battle to come.
So to Saturday, as the skies darkened, the crowds poured
into the Lake Park with anticipation. The two companies
competing were 'Anytime Fireworks' and
'G-Force Fireworks'. 'Anytime
Fireworks' took part in this competition in
1999, and like all the teams they have a very dedicated
pyro crew. They continued to emulate the achievements of
the previous night with a colourful and cheerful
display, which incorporated a rousing finale.
'G-Force Fireworks' with a well choreographed
and imaginative offering, continued the evening's
entertainment. The crowd left well satisfied with the
night's entertainment.
The final night's show, Sunday, began with grand
expectations and excitement gleaned from the previous
two evenings' displays. The crowd was not disappointed.
'Essex Pyrotechnics', who are one of the
largest designers and manufacturers of display
fireworks, as well as importing them, did not disappoint
the crowd. Their show was well designed and exciting.
They had made an excellent attack upon the title.
However the crowd waited with baited breath for the
final team's contribution. 'Phoenix Fireworks', who have
a 35 year Safety Record, started out with a spectacular
opening. They put on a magnificent display of music
combined with colour and special effects, which excited
the crowds of spectators. The show was over and the
spectators departed, well satisfied and looking forward
to next year's competition.
It is sad to note that with such complex firing systems
some gremlins are likely to occur. Unfortunately for a
few teams this problem occurred, affecting some more
than others. But as one of the teams said:- "It is
a competition and with pyrotechnics, sometimes things do
go wrong. It would not be a challenge if they did not go
wrong from time to time. The fun, and the challenge for
all teams are to limit the chance of errors and keep the
safety and display levels high. I think all the teams
did this, this year."
It was a first class competition. It was a show, which
truly, in all aspects entertained the crowds. Well done
and thank you to all the teams who competed, to the
supporting personnel and to the sponsors.
here to see our
photographic coverage of this amazing event...
Sorry - Video highlights from the event
to be added soon. |