Tomorrow's World - Re-evaluating the Role of Marketing
across Merseyside wanting to know the very latest news and trends in
their industry and Institute should look no further than a unique
event being held by The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) in
Merseyside on Thursday, 18 October 2007 where its proposed new definition
of marketing, why it is more relevant and a proposed subdivision of
marketing into three specialisms will be discussed.
On 20 September 2007, over 60 CIM members attended a breakfast briefing
at the CIM's HQ to debate this hot topic and now marketers in the
North West can do the same! Fresh from the 1st event, Mark Stuart,
head of research at the CIM, will focus on:-
* What the role of marketing is
* How technology has
increased the power of the customer
* How the role of
marketing needs to change in response to ensure that all exchange of
views is meaningful and ethical.
At this event, delegates will be able to vote online for their Top
North West Brands. This survey, in association with the
Confederation of British Industry (CBI) North West and The Chartered
Institute of Marketing (CIM) North West, is being undertaken by Hill
Dickinson to celebrate the tenth anniversary of opening its
Manchester office. Voting is by sector but there will be an overall
winning brand plus some extra categories such as "one to watch"
and "most innovative". Results will be announced on November
13 at a special event hosted by Hill Dickinson at Urbis, the museum
of urban life in Manchester. For more information, or if you can't
wait to vote visit the link below.
Registration opens:-
Finish:- 20:00 approx
Venue:- University of Liverpool Management School, Chatham Street,
Liverpool, L69 7ZH
Cost:- Free to members, studying members and student non members/ £25.00
for guests
Online booking via
Or phone Pam/Lynn on 0141 221 7700 |
APACS have
released its latest statistics regarding card fraud in the UK. The
report reported a massive rise in card not present (CNP) fraud, to
£137m in the first 6 months of 2007, whilst face-to-face, or UK
retailer fraud, continues to decline, this year by 11%. CNP
fraud involves stolen card details being used to pay for goods and
services over the internet, by phone or by mail order. It is now the
largest type of card fraud in the UK and has grown by a significant
44% during the first half of the year.
Zoe Manton, Head of Card Protection at Life Assistance firm CPP,
says these statistics are not surprising. “The introduction of
Chip and PIN has seen fraudsters migrate their activities to easy
targets, such as online, mail order and telephone fraud. By
eliminating the need to enter a PIN when undertaking a transaction,
it becomes easier for criminals to use stolen card details for
fraudulent purchases.”
This rise in CNP fraud is a direct result of fraudsters migrating to
the path of least resistance when it comes to card fraud.
“Often the genuine cardholder has no idea of CNP fraud until
they check their bank statement or the criminal has exceeded the
limit on the card. There are a number
of industry schemes to counter the boom in CNP fraud such as
Verified by Visa or MasterCard SecureCode for safer online
transactions. If you haven’t signed up to these schemes you should
regularly check your bank statements for any unusual spending
patterns and consider signing up to a card protection service.” says Manton.
Currently protecting over 6 million consumers in the UK from card
loss and fraud, providing replacement and resolution services, CPP
has an unparalleled level of insight and expertise on this issue.
The CPP Group Plc is the UK’s leading life assistance business and
helps over 10 million customers, works with over 280 business
partners and has offices in the Europe, North America and Asia.